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Well, I'm reletively bored and have delt with this problem before so I felt I might as well tell a story.

About a year ago I was doing alot of work for my father in our garden. I was lifting padio stones and placeing them, lifting, leveling, placing... So I must have lifted 40 pound stones a hundred times or more.

I also study martial arts and was running four miles to classes and back again. When I became exausted and could no longer do the work, I did it anyway. Over a period of time I had a nice soft ache in my back.

Later I went away for about 7 months and in a training exercise had to lift a person on a stretcher. My back was already sort of bad but I had to put this guy in a collar and lift while another person was holding C-Spine so I was not in a strait up and down position. The person weighed about 250 and I was the only person on that end of the stretcher. When I stood up my back popped. I knew it was bad.

I didn't have a choice but to continue lifting sand bags for several weeks. Every morning for several weeks I would roll out of bed and could not bend over at all. My back was very touchy and I avoided everything. I was extremely disapointed because I could not do any Kicks in my martial arts study.

Over time I began to talk to the Ortho Docs about how to fix this problem. And the answer I have found is not that hard.

Anti - inflamatories along with stretching and strengthening of coar muscles, primarily abdominals help. Everything must be done over a long time though. It took me several months before my back was healed. I still feel it from time to time. The good thing is now I know how to take care of it.

I suggest anyone with a back problem do a lot of reading on Abdominal Exercises, Back Strengthening Exercises, and Stretching.

kiv out
My back was bad for as long as I can remember. I got a cold in it when I was young and I still remember the discomfort.
I lost a little weight and started strenthening up my abs and noticed a difference. Also like to do some yoga and found that also helped.
It still complains from time to time but no where near to the point that it did.
I messed up my spine in an accident on a trampoline. I went to a chiropractor for 3 years. Massage has also helped, as do pilates, yoga, and stretching in general. My back tenses up a lot. I just ignore the pain, take one ibuprophen, or stretch it out with relaxation techniques I learned from a vocal instructor:

-massaging my face
-with the mouth open wide, stick your tongue out and reach it as far down the chin as possible, holding it there for a while, and allowing it to slowly retract back into the mouth.

Relaxing is key to helping backpain. Also try listening to relaxing music: Jazz, classical, and new age are pretty good for that. -TLB
you can always try this korean machine called Ceragem. Its this thing where you lie face front and you turn it on. It heats up and as it does it rolls from your lower to upper back. Its got about 8 wheels that massage the areas right next to your spinal cord. Also you can adjust the heat from 20 C - 90 C its pretty useful but i recommend if you want to try it out, dont rely on it that much you also hafta try other stuff like streching and stuff.