New Mom... Help Loosing Weight

Hi.. Im a new mom here im only 20 and i have a 2 1/2 month baby, i currently live in Miami and my husband is stationed oversea.. we will be moving to Italy in august.. Well Im tryin to loose this pregnancy weight and the flabby belly..My post pregnancy weight was 110 and i went up to 180, yea that was a lot!.. right now im 144 but i want to go down 20 more pounds or even 15.. the thing is that i have this fatness in between my thighs and my arms.. Im also tryin to get my tummy back.. I havent been very commited to the exercises since i dont have too much time with my baby, but i do walk in my treadmill for 1hr every day, and i try to eat very little and healthy.. i have bought a book called Loose Your Mummy Tummy and is really helpful but i wanted to know what have other moms done or are still doin.. Thanks:)
Congrats on your baby. I have an 8 1/2 month old - I lost all my weight while nursing but then put on 10 pounds when I stopped. I was 140 2 weeks ago - this morning I'm at 135. My pre-preg weight was 131 so I'm almost back to that but I want to take off another 10 pounds.

I'm doing weight watchers - and it's really been helping.

For breakfast
2 egg white omelet with green pepper and onions
2 slices of whole wheat bread

apple or carrots

salad with grilled chicken

apple or carrots

pork chops or
chicken legs
with salad
1 cup of pasta (pre-cooked)

I haven't been able to exercise that much - taking the baby for a 30 minute walk on the weekends - and doing abs in the morning (if I can)
have you read "Lose Your Mummy Tummy?" it's by julie tupler. i want to check it out. she gives exercises to specifically tone up those belly muscles that got stretched out so much during pregnancy.
really - no I haven't seen it - is there anything on the internet about it - I'll have to check it out.
I just want to add because I am a Navy dad that you do have a hard road to follow without your husband there. I couldnt imagine me being on deployment right now with my wife having to take care of a 3 month old baby and trying to get back to her normal weight.
Congatulations on you baby!:) :) :) You such a lucky girl! Italy!:) I am sure you are going to fall in love with this country. Women are so thin and fit over there!:)
You are doing a great job with your weight loss. Besides diet, I would suggest to inforce more exercise on every day basis. Nothing takes care of toning your body like weight traing and cardio (all in moderation, of course). I would suggest at least 45 min. of cardio 6 days a week + weight traing for 45min. to an hour every other day. You get one day a week off and you will see great results very soon.:)
im a mom too and my son is 1 year and its hard to work out withhim i was using my big ball i have but now that he can walk and really get around he would come over and push me over off of it so i have figured out that i work out while he sleeps i know its hard cus your baby is still very young but this is how i do it i get up before my son in the mornings and workout then in the evenings after we eat my son and i go for a walk outside then when i put him to sleep at night i work out and then i have my time before i go to bed and that time is for me and my husband so thats just a little look at some ideas for you my post preg. weight was 140 and at the end of my preg. i weight 165 it has taken me a year but i have finally gotten down below my post preg weight i am now down to 125 and still working on 10 more pounds so if you need any other ideas i would feel free to help you can do it and just playing with your baby hepls take off the weight
I walked. And walked. And walked some more. Even when my stomach was killing me (I had a c-section), I kept moving, slowly. Now, the kids slow me down! I still take them for a walk every day unless it's raining, because they love it. But I find a babysitter for an hour a few days a week so I can do a power walk or exercise video without them being bored. Is there a gym nearby that has daycare?
I've seen in parenting magazines exercises you can do WITH your baby (since he's so little right now!). Not sure where, but maybe there's something on the 'net. Like using him as extra weight doing stomach crunches. Laying him on the floor and giving him kisses each time you lower yourself doing a push-up. :)

My little guy also used to sit in his swing and watch me do a workout video. I think it amused him to see me jiggling around:D