Need to lose 20kg+ in 3 months..

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New member
(First of all, I just want to apologize for my broken english. English is not my native language, hopefully this is readable.) Hi, I'm an overweight 13 year old. I weight 80,4kg and am somewere around 1,60 meters tall. (Is that considered obese?) I don't have a diet as our mother does not cook for us and I have to treasure hunt to find something edable. We're pretty much broke.. (you might already tell how bad I am at "introducing" myself on forums or such..) I've pretty much rouined my life, but summer's ahead, so here's a chance to change myself for good before school starts again.. Would anyone be willing to suggest an excersising plan thingies and/or maybe a low(ish) budget diet? I cannot run for long as my legs will become pretty much dead in the first minute.. I know that it would be pretty difficult to lose that much weight in such a short period of time, but I'm just an idiot, alright? ..I'm willing to give up everything sugary and am willing to pretty much eat anything.. Will just walking for an hour everyday help in any way? same question with rollerskating.. It would be appreciated if the plan would be strict so there'd be a way to just simply follow what's said without having to think if one'd work better than the other option..
..I know I'm just gonna get hate, but hey, I'm already depressed so theres no more damage you can do. :)
There is no hate here, you are very welcome :)

You do not need to run for exercise, both walking and rollerskating would help you, pick whichever one is most fun for you, at 13 the most important aspect of exercise or for anybody is to make sure it is an activity you enjoy.

Diet can be a bit more challenging when you are not the one to do the grocery shopping, at 13 you cannot cut calories to much as you are still growing, however cutting out all of your refined sugars from your diet is a great step, so no chocolate bars, sweets or sugary drinks.
Cutting out chocolate, sweets and sugary things is a great idea.

If you get the opportunity to have a choice in your food - lean meat or fish with vegetables are a healthy way to eat.

If you want something sweet - fruit tends to be a good option.

It is good to drink water every day - try aiming for 2 litres.

Walking or rollerskating will help - try to do some every day.

Good luck.
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