need some advice...

my parents always buy all junk food... its all carbs and fats, and when they finally do buy something with a little protein in it its always like processed ham that basically looks as beat up as salami... i mean you could literally feel the grease on your tongue this stuff was that bad. i think its just a lifestyle ive come to accept over the years... and its tough to get out of... i mean i want a 6-pack and i want to feel healthier, and its been happening but i think my familys bad habits are holding me back from getting all the way there...

basically is there a key to fighting food cravings? ive been drinking a lot of water which seems to help, but then its like at the dinner table my mom gets mad at me for not eating something (which is probably fatty, filled with carbs, and disgusting) on my plate.
Stay well fed.
Maybe you could politely ask your parents to start buying some healthier stuff. My parent's eat relatively healthily, but they still bought junk food because they thought I wanted it. I asked them to stop buying chips and such because I wasn't going to eat them, and neither were they. As for dinners, you could modify them, I do this sometimes, or just eat less. I must agree with Cynic though, staying well fed on healthy food will pretty much nullify the cravings for junk food after a little while.
I agree ask your parents to buy different foods as you are not interested in eating junk food. Also if your body is adapted to these certain foods it will take some time to adjust to something different. Just whenever you get a craving satisfy it with somthing healty. If you get a craving for a candy bar grab an apple or bannana. Over time your body will slow down on these cravings.