My mobile phone is the best diet manager


New member
My mobile phone is currently my diet manager. It's awsome! I bought this program called Mobile Diet Pal from Handango and I am hooked. It's a calorie and carbs calculator with a very large database, it has low carb and low calorie diets you can choose to follow and a lot of fun features. I am now on a low calorie diet and I get each day a menu to follow, I know all the time how many calories I have left before I reach my daily limit. My best friend got it as well and she's on a low carb. We'll see who has better results. :) Anyway, if you want to know all the time what you eat or if you need "someone" to manage your diet, I recommend it. Isn't technology great!?
that really sounds like a very intersting tool. Does it give you a menu plan that you have to follow exactly? How does it work if you eat a little something in between, just add the calories yourself?
I have to ask, cause for me just thinking that I am not allowed to have something - mostly sweet treats - makes me want it so badly.
hi there....i just found my answer in your other post....that's what happens when I start typing right away....
Hi, Lisa

Sorry it took a while to reply. The program offers low calorie and low carb diets. I chose a two week low calorie diet and each day I got a new menu to follow. After each meal, I entered what I ate into the calculator; actually I chose the aliments from the database and the phone told me how many calories I ate and how many I had left for the day. I am quite happy with the menus, as I found them to be well balanced (I got to eat meat, vegetables, cereals, fruits and it didn't feel like I was starving). You get to eat five times a day, but you can also add to the menus indicated in the program other foods. The calorie level in the menus allowed me to add an extra snack. I even got snack suggestions for the situations in which "I had to have an extra snack". Also, you don't have to follow the menus exactly as they are. You can choose to follow your own menu or replace what you want in the menus suggested by the phone, and the calculator will count the calories for your choice of foods. You would still know how much you've eaten and how much you've got left. Honestly, I belive this is a great help for anyone who wants to lose weight and is willing to make the effort. It's like a monitoring device that you can take with you anywhere you go. It's a big step forward in my opinion. I intend to go on the low carb diet as well, as I've never been on one before and now I can compare the results. I promise to share with you my experience. For those of you who are intested, you can search for it at this address:
so you recommend it? it sounds very interesting and worthwhile... especially for the low price it is... i just want to double check and confirm it will be worth it to buy :)
if u buy it, tell me what u think of it too ... i don't think that any program on a cell phone can be that extensive enough to really be that good ... but, what do i know?
I hope it's not too late. I haven't been on the forum for a while, but I got your message and I have to tell you that it is great! I lost 15 pounds and kept them off and I never go anywhere anymore without my cell. You still do all the work, as no miracle program can take off weight for you (wouldn't that be great...), but you have so much control it's unbelivable. To this day I count my calories each day with the help of Mobile Diet Pal and I am in full control of my weight. Personally, I love it! It works for me and I hope it will work for you as well. Good luck.