My interval workout

Currently on a treadmill I do 25 minutes of interval training. With a 12kph minute and then a 10kph minute resting this is on incline 1.5. In the last 90 seconds I run at 14kph. Is this enough to count for real interval training or should I try increase the intensity further?

At the moment doing this most days I seem to have put on weight (currently 12st 8) clearly my diet needs to be altered but was wondering if this workout is sufficient.

Also previously I was running 5k running at 10kph, but swapped it for this interval training schedule.
How many days do you do interval running? Do you do anything else? You asked if you should increase the intensity further-do you feel like you can? When you do interval training your hard intervals should be pretty darn hard. They should be hard enough that rest is welcome. Maybe you should post some of your current diet also.