more muscle

I am a thirteen year old boy. i am "5,0"( i know short) and 100 lbs. i play soccer and i am very fit. i want a routine to do every day or everyother day to gain more muscle. also stretches would be great to as im not the best stretcher on the planet. thanks :)
please anybody im desperate!
First things first, you've gotta eat. Whatever you're eating now, increase it by 10%, while trying to optimise how healthy the things you put in your belly are (healthy by means of being nutritious and containing minimal doses of poison, not by means of being low-calorie, as you need calories to grow).

What equipment do you have access to? is a good program for learning basic movements and getting bigger and stronger at a beginner level, however you may not have the equipment required for it, so you may need to make modifications or change the plan entirely.

For adults, once the movements are learned to a passable standard, I'd generally give the advice of training until you're 1-2 reps short of failure, and adding weight as often as possible while maintaining/improving technique and sticking to 1-2 reps shy of failure. Since you're a young teenager, I'm not going to give that advice. While people perhaps go overboard on their fears of strength training being harmful to children, they aren't 100% unwarranted, either. Basically, I'm going to be twice as conservative with you as I would with an adult. I want you to focus on developing good movement patterns and technique first and foremost, and to finish every set 100% confident that you could have done at last 2 more reps, and reasonably confident that you could have done 5 more. This will mean slow progression in weights. It will also mean slower development in strength and muscle mass. It will also mean a very low chance of your mother suing me for giving you advice that got you hurt; and I am highly in favour of not getting sued by your mum.
Adding to goldie's advice I am going to tell you the unpopular truth of age related training.
At 13 years old your build is likely to be driven as below
50% genetics
40% stage or puberty (basically how much testosterone you are producing)
5% activity
5% diet

These aren't precise figures just to give you an idea. However that 10% is still very important because in a few years the other 90% will dorp to around 30-40% impact and all of that will be genetics.
What you do now will have limited impact on your appearance for the next couple of years, sorry about that. It will however give you a major head start on others who haven't trained in a few years time. You will be familiar with the moves, your body will be used to working with load and the recovery style required from this.
It is not great to be sat thinking about looking good at your graduation ceremony when you are wanting to right now but training is generally about long term goals and short term targets. The analogy could be linked to soccer, you will be dribbling and passing your way down the field now, achieving one target at a time then at the end making the shot and achieving the goal, some analogies are better than others.

Find stuff you enjoy, train in the 8+ rep ranges and never to failure on anything below 20 until you are fully developed. You will hate me for it for a few years then if you keep to it find yourself giving the same loathsome guidance to another youngster in a a few decades time.