Lost 20 Lbs

For summer time I stopped lifting quite as much and I only ate about four or five times a day. I figured that as long as it is summertime I just want to have fun while the heat helps me to sweat. I really did want to maintain my mass. I never worked so hard as when i tried to gain and got all the way up to 215. Now I am 195 and do not feel as srtong or as fast.

Well, play time is over. Six or seven meals a day. Just enough cardio so I can maintain speed and form in my martial arts. lift weights six times a week and do more two part workouts one before work and one after. No more taking the youlks out of the eggs, or getting a medium size of anything. it is so hard for me to gain weight. I just hope that what I packed on last spring is denser and lighter and not totally gone. Last spring I had I clear hard six pack and I weighed 20 lbs more. Gah, I am so angry with myself.

I also am going to join a Jeet Kune Do MMA school really soon. I need to keep my speed and strenth up. not just so I do not get hurt which in this shcool is a veryreal possibility but because the school costs $90 a month. I do not want to miss any days because of exhaustion.First goal is to gain five Lbs clean, by oct 15. See you all soon
Good luck dude. Try not to overtrain sounds like a lot of training.
I think it is best not to worry about overtraining until it starts to happen. when I get too fatigued or sore I back off long enough that I can get back to work without trouble. I find it is too hard to just stop from time to time and it is against my religion to not try very hard. Dispite all this, overtraining rarely comes up
Update: I chaecked my weight again because the scale at my work had a post it note that said "now Working Properly". It turns out I lost only 5 ponds- not 20. This makes me a little bit happier but that also means that at my prime I was only 5 lbs less skinny than I am right now.
Hooray! I am 215 again. I just had to replace all my rice with tuna and up my cals and protein and already I am caught up. I wonder how hard the next ten pounds are going to be.
Wow, I have people on the other end of the planet and a few thousand miles down cheering me on. Now I gotta pack on the weight