Losing Pregnancy Weight

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New member
Hi ladies!!

My daughter was born July 10, 2010 and I am just now getting back into my workout routine. I am finding the biggest struggle right now is snacking. I feel like I'm hungry ALL the time still *LOL* I'm not sure if this is because I'm breastfeeding, but it could also be that I'm not getting enough protein in my diet. I have upped my protein just this week, so I can't say whether I notice a huge difference yet.

I was 186 before getting pregnant and 235 in my 9th month. I am sitting around 214 today and hope to get back down around 140. I was at my lowest weight of 148 in October 2008 when I got married.
congrats to you venusrockstar. i'm going to the same problem. i was 125 before i had my son then at 7 months i went up to 180 than gained from there. i'm starting to loose weight and i'm glad to have the support i do. if i don't i just move on and think well what are they good for if they wont support me.
I'm not a new mom but saw this post- you're right, it is because you're breastfeeding. You still need those extra 300 cals a day to support your breastmilk production, which is why you're hungry. Have you tried just eating cleaner (cutting out sugar, snacking on veggies, eating 'closer to the earth'). For snacks, try things like hummus with bell peppers, fruit, cottage cheese, yogurt w/fruit, nuts, etc. I'm a not a big believer in eating more protein, but if you're snacky all the time then try healthier snacks, journalling your food and keeping up with your workouts :)
hiya new mums!

I'm a new mum too and also struggling to lose weight. My daughter was born in August 2010 and I'm loving being a mum but I gained a lot of weight during my pregnancy and I'm struggling to get it off. It's great that theres a support group on here for new mums as it's nice to talk to someone who empathises with you :) How are all your little ones and how is your weight loss going so far? Are you all in the US or is anyone from the UK like me? The weathers so horrible over here so it's not nice to go out for a run but I'm trying to get down to the gym when I can!!

Best of luck to all of you :)


I just was stopping by to say Good luck ladies, its an amazing thing to have children and it costs you your body. My wife was having such a hard time losing weight after she gave birth. ( 7 months ago ) and she was doing good until last week when we found out she was pregnant again... She is so happy but at the same time a little sad because she never lost all her pregnant weight.
Hey everyone, I'm glad there's finally an active "post-pregnancy" weight thread on here. I lost all of my pregnancy weight very quickly & went back to a size 6/8 after my first son, but it's been much slower going after I had my second son 9 months ago. I am only 11 pounds from my goal weight now (size 8/10), but I'm using the 4 Hour Body diet & it seems to be helping. I want to be down to my goal weight on 148 (I'm 5'9" tall) by my wedding annversary at the end of May. Let's cheer each other on!
Hello VRS. When I was breastfeeding for my son I used to get hungry all the time too and I was getting heavier then when I was pregnant so my DR who is also a mom told me to have a smoothy while breastfeeding..I used Almond milk along with yogourt protein poweder and Frozen fruit or fresh depending what I had on hand and I would fix one up about 15 min before bf time and I would sip it while breastfeeding...It covered my need for something sweet and it was full of good stuff....my rule while breast feading was if I wouln't let my baby eat it I did have it....it helped me stop the weight gain...as for loosing he is two and I am now at my pre baby weight....the second pregnancy....I probably could have gotten there faster if I had made time for myself to work out. Don't stress about it cause it will slow down your weight loss...eat clean, most of all enjoye that baby of yours....I miss being able to rock my babies....now they are 2 and 4 and the only time I can rock them is if they are sick and need extra TLC. You will get to your goal...just keep in mind you didn't gain over night and you will not lose overnight....
Hi Venusrockstar! Have you considered using Weight Management products from Herbalife? Not only do they taste great and have so many flavors to choose from, but I myself, use the shakes and have lost 12 pounds on 2 weeks already, with a healthy diet and exercise, you'll be able to lose your baby weight in no time! My friend Tanya lost 35 lbs. in 6 weeks after giving birth to her son, & she has kept it off for over 9 years. So it is definitely possible! (removed)
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There's nothing wrong with snacking IMO. I do it as well, it's just that I snack on healthy stuff. My goto snacks are one of the following:

1. Natural almonds (calories can add up fast though)
2. Cottage cheese + mixed berries + some sweetener
3. Plain 0% fat yogourt + mixed berries + some sweetener
4. Cottage cheese + half an avocado + salt + pepper + teaspoon of olive oil
5. Cottage cheese dip + vegetables.

Yes, I am a big fan of cottage cheese! lol!

For snacks, I highly recommend avoiding a lot of the "healthy foods" you find at the grocery store like granola bars, cereals, etc... I have an article on my website concerning this: [SPAMMY LINK REMOVED] Post Pregnancy Workout – The Foods You Think Are Healthy[/url] (I hope posting this link is ok).

I'm thinking of making a new post about diet recommendations that I use myself and have used for clients as well (In short, protein with every meal, eat good fats, avoid sugar, limit carbs around workout times, avoid processed foods, eat natural foods).
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I found that I was dehydrated so being conscious of my water intake was a good thing for me - I often feel hungry when I am really thirsty. I would drink a glass of water and then if I still felt hungry I would have a healthier snack.
My suggestion is cut out the refined carbs... like sugar and flour. Lots of fruit, vegetables and protien foods will help reduce the demand for more food. The blood sugar spikes will be less and your appitite will likely be less too. Just a suggestion. ;)
I'd have to agree with Kay Maxim! Cutting out processed foods from your diet will make a huge difference, which you will see very quickly!
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