Losing my tummy

Hi! I'm a women with 22 years old, 160cm (63 inches) height and 54Kg (119 pounds) weight. My goal is to lose some inches in my tummy. I do stationary bike every day for about 12min, except one day per week where I have swim classes (for 45min). I feel that I've legs to continue biking for more time but it seems that I don't have the breath.
I've been doing this program for about 2 to 3 weeks but I haven’t seen any results. I don't do any abs work... do you think it could help? Do you thing that this program can help me losing some inches?
diet is equally important. what does yours look like?
Thanks for replying!

During the week I eat more or less the following:

breakfast (10 am): fitness cerials with low fat milk (sometimes with some fuit too)

lunch (12:30 pm): vegetarian meal (yes, I'm vegetarian :). most of the times it is low fat and with few proteins. in lunch i usually have some soap and fruit (and sometimes a desert!)

snack (4 pm): bread with low fat cheese + liquid yougurt

snack (8 pm): bread with low fat cheese + cookies (water and salt cookies) during the night

snack (11:30 pm): fitness cerials with low fat milk

I go to bed around 12:30am to 1:30pm). I work at night (6pm to 11pm).

Sometimes I like to eat fries (one to two times per week)... and croissants (one to two times per week).

At the weekend I have lunch and dinner also. Usually I eat more a weekend meals (sometimes I eat too much!).
more one thing!!! since I've started with my program my appetite as increased! after I have my regualr meal I still feel hungry!
I'm sure more qualified people will chime in, but to start...
You are running out of breath after 12 minutes? It sounds like you may be going too fast. Try slowing down to the point where you could carry on a conversation, but it would be slightly difficult to do so. Shoot for 30 minutes, but give yourself time to get there.

As for the ab work...Sorry, but no, crunches and sit ups won't help you loose any inches around the tummy. However, strong abs and back muscles are definetly a good thing.
don't be a vegitarian, that might help ... j/k. I think it does make it harder, tho, as you have less variaty in your foods, and generally leads to quit a high carb diet. If carbs aren't burned, then they turn to fat, especially at night. Unfortunately, I don't know enough about vegie plans, so i don't know what to suggest for food ... i always rely on a piece of meat to avoid the high carbs ;)
If you are going to avoid meat, but not dairy products you can come up with a very healthy diet. First you must understand there are good and bad carbs. Good carbs are those that have a low glycemic index, like most fresh raw fruits and vegetables, whole grain products, sweet potatoes, legumes (beans), etc. Bad carbs are refined grains, white potatoes, white rice, anything with sugar or high fructose corn syrup in it (which is almost all mass market products, including many seemingly heathly items like granola bars, fitness cerials, whole grain breads, etc.). Read the labels carefully and if they contain any enriched flour, sugar or high fructose corn syrup, avoid them like the plague! Your meals should contain some fresh vegetables or fruits (a salad) and a protien source such as cheese, cottage cheese, yougurt, milk, nuts, beans and rice, etc. Try to eat six small meals a day.
The only way to get a smaller waist is to reduce your overall body fat level. The diet outlined above, coupled with a good exercise program can accomplish that. Good luck.