Loosing Baby Fat Advise


New member
I am 5'8" and I was a size 6 before I had my second baby. I was a size 10 when I had my baby and now I am not quite a size 8. I know that I am not fat but would like to get back to my orginal size. I excercise or run all the time. I ran throughout my whole pregnancy. I am still running and working out hard 4 to 5 times a week for about 45 minutes a day. I try to eat healthy and have protein shakes but seem to have hit a plateau. I am frustrated and would like some advice. Does anyone know how to get past a plateau. I am so frustrated trying to be patient with loosing the weight. This is the third and final time I have to loose weight since this is my last kid. I would appreciate any advice that anyone would have on loosing some weight while breast feeding. Thanks
First off, congrats on your new baby!! My baby just turned 1 yesterday! Here is my two cents (thats all its worth! lol) ...I know your tired of trying to be patient, but you just have to. No one thats impatient looses weight (long term anyhow) You HAVE to be patient and understand that you will loose weight, but it takes time. Time after time I've heard that a healthy weight to loose is only 2 pds a week. So it will take awhile. As far as plateau's are concerned,the best thing to do is just keep at it, and don't give up!! EVERYONE hit plateaus and I"m certain they are the #1 reason most diets fail. Just keep at it! I know you can do it!!
From what I heard, it supposedly is very hard if not impossible to lose all the weight while breast feeding - apparently it's also not that healthy or good for you. The way you are going you probably drop the weight really fast, once you stop breast feeding. I am not trying to say - stop breast feeding.
I agree with newbride02, just be patient and you will get there!!:)
i no what you mean when you come to a stop and don't seem to be loosing any more weight i breast feed for 7 weeks but then i had to stop becuase my little boy wanted more. i lost about half a stone after i stopped then i tried the eating healthy and exercise but nothing seems to be working, so i am just as confused as how to achieve the weight lose thing. i gained 3 stone during my pregnacy i went from a size 8 (weighing 8stone) to a size 12 and now i am stuck at a size ten weighing 9stone. i am not bothered about the weight but it is what i look like so i think if you are happy with the way you look good on you and just stay at that weight if not carry on and like newbride02 2lbs is about right to be looing a week good luck.