Looking for More Diabetics


New member
I am a little disappointed that there is not more activity in this area. Diet and exercise is so important for successful blood sugar control. It can lead to weight loss, which can also contribute to blood sugar control.

I am hoping that other diabetics will see this post and join in. It is always helpful to hear what works for others, and to help others who are struggling.
I'm Diabetic type II and have been diagnosed just over a year now. I've lost nearly 56lbs and it is making a real difference to my stats which is great. I am disappointed though that my blood pressure hasn't come down. I'm currently taking Ramipril to lower it but they believe its genetic.
I don't take medication for Diabetes and hope to send it into remission by continuing with this lifestyle change. I found it really difficult to get my head around having this label at first and felt it was just because I was fat. My nurse explained that its gentics and you can have a room full of overweight people, some will have Diabetes because its in their genetic makeup and others will be completely fine.
I'm nearly over my fear of blood tests too seeing as I have so many! and now have the joy of an eye screening to look forward to (sarcasm).
I'm glad that my Diabetes is monitored so closely though. Having it means I have to eat sensibly and exercise which means I should live a long and healthy life in the long run.
My biggest issue was a sweet fix when I felt my sugars were low. I now graze throughout the day on veg and fruit and no longer get nasty early afternoon shakes.