Looking for advice

I guess I will start with a little history. I was always very thin up until 7 yrs ago. I had twins and lost all the weight except 10 lbs and decided to quit smoking. Quit for 2 yrs and gained 40 lbs. Started back up 2 yrs ago and still am overweight by 40 lbs. Most of my problem is that I don't eat but maybe one meal a day and I drink Mountain Dew all day long. I know that is something that I need to work on. Any suggestions?

As far as fitness I am really not in terrible shape, I am strong if I push myself but don't have the energy to push most of the time. I am depressed and hate to even leave the house anymore and when I look in the mirror I have no idea who is looking back at me.

I have a few questions regarding the Tony Little Gazelle. I have one of these (the big one) and was wondering where it falls in comparason between stationary bikes, treadmills and elliptical trainers. I also have a weider total body system but wondered about if free weights would be better. Once again any suggestions on exercises, reps, sets, weights?

Also any thoughts on yoga and pilates?

I am 35 will be 36 in May. I am 5'9 and weigh 185 lbs last I knew.... it would be a very close guess as it doesnt fluctuate much.

Thanks for any ideas or insights
Sounds like you know that you're diet is not good. Eating once and drinking sugar all day wont help you lose any weight, thats for sure. I recommend you do a little reading here about nutrition: John Berardi - Nutrition Articles

The articles are all free and free is good. Pay particular attention to the first article on the 7 Habits. This should help you get started, remember, knowledge is power.
There is no point in worrying about what piece of cardio equipment is better over the others until you get your nutrition worked out. I hope you checked the link that Tony provided.