
The feathers look great and I'm glad you are getting happier and happier with them. It's so nice when we make something that we're proud of.
Not nice having that awful dream. I hope the calorie deficits start to feel ok again at some point soon.
Thanks Liza!
Well... apparently my package has been delivered to a neighbor who currently isn't home. No note on my door or in the mailbox but at least the lady on the hotline could tell me which neighbor. I really wish they wouldn't give my stuff to random people and instead let me pick it up at the post office.
Thanks Liza!
Well... apparently my package has been delivered to a neighbor who currently isn't home. No note on my door or in the mailbox but at least the lady on the hotline could tell me which neighbor. I really wish they wouldn't give my stuff to random people and instead let me pick it up at the post office.
Oh that's aggravating! I hope you get it back all right without too much hassle!
I did! Made a solid start on my round Tunisian pillow but the giant ball of t-shirt yarn I planned to use for it looks like it'll be too small so I may need to frog what I've already done and start again with a smaller diameter. Probably not a bad thing to practice a bit with this weird yarn anyway. If it's a pain I'll find some lighter yarn for my pillows and just donate the monstrous stuff I have because I'll never make anything else out of it. The idea was cool but there's a reason the hype didn't last long.
It sounds like you have fun experimenting with your craftwork, LLama. How big is the pillow & is it part of a project?
I will! Tunisian crochet in the round makes for such a satisfying structure. I want my pillow to be about 50 cm in diameter and almost 20 cm thick but since I'm working off a pattern that uses completely different yarn and wasn't meant to be used for a pillow anyway I basically have no idea how much yarn I'll need. If I remember I'll weigh the part I've done so far when I get home and see where that gets me. I could do alternating colors to save yarn but that isn't really the effect I want. Or one color on each face.
I am a very hungry Llama today and may pick up take-out on my way home for an easy higher-calorie-but-no-binge meal.
The feathers look great! There should be an option where you decide where your packages get delivered if you aren't home. That's really weird you have to hunt down where they delivered your stuff, but glad you got it. I like your goal of making each week a little better as far as food, and the Tunisian pillow sounds like a fun project. I looked them up, and it seems like a nice project that could be made into something a beginner could do. I was thinking of maybe learning some crochet with K.
I wouldn't start with Tunisian crocheting (but you do you!), since the counting is a bit frustrating at first and if you don't have a relaxed, even hand yet it'll curl up all over the place. For seasonal things suitable for a beginner I'd suggest something like this one first:
Which is just a square of single crochet stitches folded and sewn shut but it makes a cute little chicken.
After that Easter eggs would be a quick and simple way to practice crocheting in the round. Maybe this one?
Once you're comfortable with those here's a butterfly which also goes quick but is slightly more complicated:
Thanks Llama! I probably won't have a relaxed hand - I probably haven't picked up a crochet hook since I taught K to crochet when she was little. The egg and the butterfly look really fun and it would be good to learn freeform crochet with an actual pattern, so thanks for these!!
I am a very hungry Llama today and may pick up take-out on my way home for an easy higher-calorie-but-no-binge meal.
I hope that meal turned out to be just the right amount of satisfying.
It's great that you are continuing to find a way to keep crocheting both fun and challenging!
Thanks Llama! I probably won't have a relaxed hand - I probably haven't picked up a crochet hook since I taught K to crochet when she was little. The egg and the butterfly look really fun and it would be good to learn freeform crochet with an actual pattern, so thanks for these!!
I hope you guys have fun with it! Possibly the most important thing for freehanding a lot of things is to be able to make a sphere. https://www.supergurumi.com/crochet-shapes-crochet-balls-and-spheres If the base looks neat everything tends to work a lot better.
I hope that meal turned out to be just the right amount of satisfying.
It's great that you are continuing to find a way to keep crocheting both fun and challenging!
Thanks Liza. The place I wanted to go to is newly closed on Friday and I couldn't figure out a satisfying alternative so I had crackers with cheese, pâté, and some veggies. Which was nice. Then I went and had another try looking for new glasses and actually found some in the green I've been looking for for the past three years! It's going to cost me an arm and leg but I'm super happy. Having my eyes checked next week and I should get my new eyes in two weeks 🤞
Thanks for all the pattern links - that'll be really fun to do crafts together again! Glad you made a simple delicious meal and found just the right glasses frames!! That's so important to feel yourself wearing your glasses!!
My sister is still searching for the "just right" green frames! That's a win, Llama. You have so much in common with her, including having your birthday one day apart (& many years).
I forgot to look at the brand but I'll be sure to tell you when I get them! If she happens to love the color as well they have to option to order all their models in all their color combinations.
Thanks for all the pattern links - that'll be really fun to do crafts together again! Glad you made a simple delicious meal and found just the right glasses frames!! That's so important to feel yourself wearing your glasses!!
Having fun is the most important part of modern crafting and I need to remind myself of that as I struggle with the finishing on the first side of my pillow.

I agree about the glasses: I hate spending so much money but it's something that will literally be in my face for years.

I woke up with a very jumbled brain today and it hasn't got better despite exercise and a chat with my sisters so I'm moving my museum visit again and am going to take it easy and have naps instead.
I'm annoyyyed... I finished one side of my pillow so brought out the other ball of yarn and it turns out that while the weight/thickness is identical it's synthetic and doesn't work at ALL for the technique. I have some other options that would go together well but one if them isn't quite thick enough to work. Right now I want to scrap it all and throw the yarn away but I'll wait until I cool down. The synthetic crap is getting tossed though.
I'm annoyyyed... I finished one side of my pillow so brought out the other ball of yarn and it turns out that while the weight/thickness is identical it's synthetic and doesn't work at ALL for the technique. I have some other options that would go together well but one if them isn't quite thick enough to work. Right now I want to scrap it all and throw the yarn away but I'll wait until I cool down. The synthetic crap is getting tossed though.
Oh that is annoying. I'm sure you'll work it out, but it is frustrating when stuff like that happens.
woke up with a very jumbled brain today and it hasn't got better despite exercise and a chat with my sisters so I'm moving my museum visit again and am going to take it easy and have naps instead.
That's nice that you chose to have a gentle day with naps. Sometimes those days are so necessary to have.
Thanks Liza. Ended up making a new start in alternating colors. I really hope I'll have enough this way but I'm doubtful... Annoyingly the colors I'm using now don't go with the original one or it'd be plenty. Oh well: if it doesn't work out I'll at least have had plenty of practice with the technique and I can finally get rid of these huge yarn balls! One of them is almost a kilo and a half :eek:

I ate terribly today, probably because I was feeling so off. I had a large lunch and then ate my Sunday treat (already) AND next week's. Which... means no treat tomorrow but I'll still get a new one next week. Didn't want a buy a second one anyway but the shop assistant was a genuinely enthusiastic and knowledgeable older lady and I couldn't say no to trying a local product so I pretended I'd have the self control to keep it around for a week.

What I did first and what I'm trying now. I finished both rounds, by the way, just haven't closed the second one yet.
Sometimes inactivity and naps are the only thing that'll do. I feel a lot better and am on the train out to that museum I've been meaning to visit for probably 4 months now. Holy hell I'd forgotten how expensive trains are! But at least I'm stepping out of my comfort zone for the first time in too long. Then tomorrow I need to apply for one more day off and ask if my vacation time around Labor Day will be approved because it's beyond time to book my tickets for that one.
Also: I packed my phone charger so I could read on the train but this fancy new train doesn't have charging docks! And we're in an unending tunnel so no looking outside either. Time for some good old-fashioned daydreaming, and this time it isn't even maladaptive.