
I didn't know you'd had mood swings before this. May I ask how you got over those? K has mood swings and I am wondering what to do as I don't experience those much, and they just go away on their own with me. I really like your emphasis on not forcing or suppressing. I often forget to make this about my health instead of about avoiding calories, which really intensifies cravings for me. Sounds like you did really well staying conscious and taking care of yourself emotionally through the last cravings!!
That seems a good win that you had the healthy food first, and then waited until having some sweets...and didn't eat until you were sick...all very good wins!
Better than it could've been, I agree.
I didn't know you'd had mood swings before this. May I ask how you got over those?
It's been a while but I'd say it was mostly a combination of getting out of a very stressful environment and learning to keep my glucose levels more stable. New friends I could relax and feel myself with helped as well. I'm going to guess anxiety is a bit like back pain though - a symptom rather than a separate entity - and can therefore have very different causes and solutions.

Struggling today. Period is in full swing, cravings are bad, cramping is happening. I don't want to binge but I also just want to keep eating. I'm just... ugh.
I hope it's going well with coping the intensity of the cramps and all. So utterly unfair!! I think keeping up the glucose levels is a really good idea. K tends to forget to eat even when I remind her to. And it's good for me to be reminded that mood swings are often from anxiety. I don't really experience them much, so I need to learn to equate the two, so thanks, this is very helpful!
And it's good for me to be reminded that mood swings are often from anxiety. I don't really experience them much, so I need to learn to equate the two, so thanks, this is very helpful!
Whoops, I typed anxiety there when I meant mood swings but it is true that my most extreme (almost-daily panic attack level) anxiety coincided with my mood swings.
Thanks Cate and Vic :grouphug:

I had a pretty good night's sleep, better than any of the past week anyway, and I'm feeling positive, even though I'm bleeding like a pig. I had an impulse to have better-looking cuticles this week and both actually bought a product for them yesterday and applied it. I don't much care about what other people think about my outward appearance these days but my hardened, prone-to-tearing cuticles annoyed me and I don't want to annoy me. I want to invest (time and energy mostly, because the stuff cost less than €3) in being happy with myself.
Thanks Liza and Cate. Had a lovely day but did go wild with chocolate when I got home. Finished up the second sock and made a start on the cactus pin cushion. Found one that includes another new technique, which is always fun.
:D Definitely not the former! My mom made it very clear to us as kids that that wasn't acceptable behavior even during the day. But between half past 1 and 2 am? I suppose someone was just drunk and got confused but it took a long time before I fell asleep again.
Haha. I didn't think so, but it seemed like a random post. Someone ringing your doorbell at that time would be very discombobulating. I love that word :)
:D I was too tired to keep my eyes open yet needed to get it off my chest...
Dad sent me a video of the lawn this morning and it's almost a solid mass of pale purple crocus(es?) So pretty!
I'm glad you were able to sleep again after the rude doorbell ring. That would have spooked me out. I didn't realize you had so much anxiety and everything before this. I am so glad that it has subsided and that your life is way nicer now. I hope with the overindulging, we both get so we see that it's a good urge to make ourselves feel better, but that we both find our way to doing that without the overeating part. It seems like the crocheting is helping you in that regard. The cactus pin cushion is lovely!
I'm glad you were able to sleep again after the rude doorbell ring. That would have spooked me out.
It did. Took me at least an hour to fall asleep again. Anxiety sucks.
A lawn of crocuses sounds so lovely!
And what a great idea to set your cactus in a plant pot! Looks great!
I can't share the pics but it does indeed look wonderful. Like it snowed flowers. I'm genuinely pleased with my cactus as well and think it looks better irl than in the picture :D The real pot is helpful for stability, plus there's space underneath the "soil" plug to store extra pins amd needles. I was going to crochet a colored overpot (?) for it but I think the contrasting materials look better.

Now I think it's time to make a start on Easter decorations... My friend with the baby has been very enthusiastic about my crocheting so I think I might do a bunny/chick/lamb egg warmer trio. Or maybe just a couple of colorful eggs for the Easter tree.
Now I think it's time to make a start on Easter decorations... My friend with the baby has been very enthusiastic about my crocheting so I think I might do a bunny/chick/lamb egg warmer trio. Or maybe just a couple of colorful eggs for the Easter tree.
Oh fun that you have a whole new season to start crocheting for! Your friends are lucky!
I thought you might like to see these, Llama. I bought some a few years ago & have a Christmas set- https://threecs.com.au/
They are adorable! I'm very tempted to make a whole collection of cacti and succulents but they'd just collect dust so I'd have to launder and reshape them every month... Not worth it. They'll make nice little gifts for when I go visit people or something.
Oh fun that you have a whole new season to start crocheting for! Your friends are lucky!
Thank you :) I once again wish we all lived closer together so I could drop off some of my little creations here and there. Didn't get around to starting today because I didn't have eggs to use for size. I did buy clear plastic eggs on my way to work but when I unpacked them I realized they were too big. I may make tiny animals to live inside them at some point though: that would be a good solution for the dust issue.
That's a really nice idea having little dioramas in clear plastic Easter eggs. I've always wanted to make them in bell jars and clear glass cake domes.