Little embarrased but here goes..

I've always been ashamed of my big hips/thighs. I know this is silly especially since I'm a guy but I don't care how big or bulky I get my upper boddy my flabby glutes and chunky thighs have always lowered my self image.
I used to be an avid lifter that could squat like there was no tomarrow but it only built bulk around my glutes. I think my problem then was not enough cardio and clean diet but since I've been on my diet I notice extreme changes in my gut and upper body. It is weird I can totally reshape my muscle defenition in my torso in only one day of clean diet and intense workout but my glutes and back thighs are fat sacks that fail to decrease.
If anyone knows an absolutely rigid butt workour I will be happy also a thigh one so I can finally feel good about myself again.
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Have some patience!

Usually, the first place you gain weight will be the last place you'll lose. Keep up the clean diet and cardio (and squats, of course!) and you will surely notice a difference in your lower body! Just be consistent and remember it's going to take some time :)