Kate's diary


New member
Well to start with I would like to lose 12 kilos. I am currently 72kilos and would like to get down to 60kilos. Actually I would love to be 50kilos but I dont think that is possible in my lifetime.
I would like to reach my goal by the end of October.
I recently bought a treadmill so this will be my main source of exercise with a few ab exercises thrown in.
I need to cut back on the junk food but I think I'm well and truly addicted to it.
I'm going to try to keep up with this diary everyday and write down what I eat so hopefully I will feel to ashamed to eat to much junk.
I will start tomorrow as I feel like having one last binge today.
HI Kate,

welcome to the forum.
Writing down what you eat is a great idea - always gave me a wake-up call.
I can understand it being hard, when you're at home all day and the baby probably sleeps a lot, if he's only 8 weeks old. The idea with having healthy snacks around is a good one and try to limit your carb intake in the evening.

Good Luck to you!

Keep us posted:)
Well I woke up with good intensions but that is as far as it got. I pigged out all day and everyday since. And I haven't really done much exercise either. Will try to start again tomorrow. I have put back on another 2 kilos. No bikini for me this summer.
First step is done....put those past days behind you and start over.

Get rid of all the junk food and replace it with healthy stuff:)
Good Luck!
Well I have been walking everyday and I have been cutting back on the junk food but not altogether stopping. But today is a new day. So far this morning I have spent 20 minutes on the treadmill and have done some ab exercises. For breakfast I had a banana and some yoghurt. So things are looking up this is the start of my new way of life!!!!!!!!!!!
Heya Kate

Good job!!! maybe the best thing for you is to slowly phase out the junk food rather than stoping completely, keep up the exercising, is it possible to go outside and take a walk with your baby?? walking and pushing a stroller is great for the abs as well, thats what my sister did... every little bit counts, you'll notice the results in a week or two
Yesterday and today I have had no junk food, I have been snacking on dried fruit and nuts instead of chocolate now. Yes I have managed to get out for a walk with my son, not only is it good exercise for me its a great way to get my little boy to sleep. In the evenings when he goes to bed is the best time for me to go on the treadmill and do some ab exercises. My goal for next week is to start doing water aerobics. I dont feel strong enough to do proper aerobics just yet so I will build up to this.
I weighed myself this week and now weigh 74kgs. So I am getting heavier but not for long!!!!!!!!!!!!
You go girl... You seem to be doing well, i was doing really well about 2 months ago but i have found it hard to keep up with it as i have got a little boy at home with me aswell (i have 2 others children at school) but i cant really make excuses because he is 4 and goes to kindy. I had started loosing weight (abit) and i joined the gym but the motivation has just gone all together. If you dont mind will i be able to use you as a mentor or as a buddy, thats only if you dont mind. Good luck and go for it.
Hi gizza that would be great. I really lack motivation, I start first thing in the morning good but by lunchtime I'm trying to decide what I can eat and I dont usually mean anything healthy. The last couple of days I have been eating healthy meals but the snacks in between not too good but not as bad as I have been previously. Everyday this week I have been on the treadmill and also doing ab exercises. I have my fav pair of jeans which I dont fit back into yet so I have decided to use them as a guide and try them on at the beginning of every week until I fit back into them. I haven't started water aerobics yet!!!!!
Hi kate, At least you are trying, I started doing well like a month ago, then i just started going down hill and havent been able to get back on track. Well last time i weighed myself i weighed 79 kilos and i am 26 with 3 children and i think my height is 5"6 just give you a rough idea of what i have got to deal with hahahahaha, Well as i had fish n chips for lunch today i will do my diary tomorrow hahaha
Hi Gizza, fish and chips sound great. I had a sausage roll and a choc donut. I will try to be better with my eating today. Yesterday I did 35mins on the treadmill some ab exercises and also back stretches as I had back problems during my pregnancy. Today I have done 40 mins on the treadmill and the ab and back exercises. Just had toast for brekkie so far.
Good on you for all the exercises, and i know how busy you can get and end up forgetting to eat or just get to busy to eat...... as i do that too...... so how is baby doing? do you get alot of support where you are? I also think how i lost some weight before was because i drank alot of water and it also helped with getting rid of that hunger feeling. :)
My little boy is doing great. Saturdays my mother-in-law has him for the morning so its nice to have a little break, but I miss him and get a little bored. So this morning again I did 40 minutes on the treadmill and the ab and back exercises. We are having really cold and wet weather here at the moment so I haven't been able to get outside for a walk which I usually love doing.
My eating is still not a lot better but I will try to drink more water but it is so cold. Actually I might try to drink some hot lemon water instead.
Well I had a bad day yesterday. I had mcdonalds for lunch and I did no exercise. But I'm not going to get too upset over it as today is another day and I will be positive today. At the beginning of last year I joined weight watchers points plan and really enjoyed it and lost 5kgs in 8 weeks so I am going to do this again. I am going to work on having 18 points a day.
I know how easy it is to have something quick and easy to eat instead of cooking, i think that is my down fall too, because i dont like cooking so i think it is easier if i just buy something, but then after it i feel bad and guilty. I know i shouldnt let it get to me, just let it go and then start again. So i think it is okay to slip up now and again, but too try and get back on track, :rolleyes: now only if i can do that myself :confused: ...... Let me no what your eating consist of and i will try that for myself too (if u dont mind :p )
HI guys,

I am right there with you on the cooking thing. To avoid eatin a lot of mc d's or other fast food, I usually stack my freezer with TV Dinners and Pizza, but here' s the trick. I carefully check the nutrition labels on the dinners. I have found quite a few where the carb:protein:fat ratio is the way I try to eat.

I had to say 'goodbye' to my favorite pizza, but the replacement (grilled chicken and red peppers) is yummy too.

How is it going on the Exercise Front - are you still working out on your treadmill and doing your ab exercises (look who's asking:eek: ...)

hi kate sorry for the late reply but as i have finding it hard to get back on track, and i havent done anything i felt abit stink about coming back online, but a few people i know are trying to loose weight too so that has been abit of a encouragment for me so i hope i have had my last binge today and make a whole new start tomorrow.....
Anyway how have u been? How has your exercising going and how is baby?
I can't believe I haven't posted an entry since July last year. Well I am still pretty much the same as I was before. I have now become a single mum so I desperately want to lose my excess weight. My son is 1 in just over two months, so I want to lose 6 kilos by then. That would be the weight I was when I got pregnant. But even then I was heavier than I would like to be. I have good days and bad days. I eat a lot of good food but also a lot of bad food. I'm walking most days. So 6 kilos is my small goal then another 8 kilos after that.
Hi Kate im sure with a little determination you will blitz those kgs away, good luck this week.