Karma begins


New member
Hey every1 i just wanted to .show you all my before pictures. this is me. Im Annemarie and i feel like crap. i just can shift this weight. please help me its to much. Today im gonna change my life..enough is enough:( im so ashamed with my self. im 22 have a 2yr old son and ive been fat and single since my ex left me over my weight. im on anti-deps and feel tired all the time. I need help im gonna change this i used to be pretty i used to love my slf. sorry for bringing u guys down but hopfully as i progress it may inspire.
first, if your ex left you over THAT then hes a bloomin idiot and at 22, you can do way better! And please dont beat yourself up over being overweight. We all battle it here! Some have more to lose than others, and some have reached their goals. Either way, it was very brave of you to post your pics! It was hard for me to do as well. Be sure to start yourself a diary in the diary section, and start picturing yourself looking slender and healthy. Just a mental picture can really help! We all had to start with a 'day one' here, and before you know it, yours can turn into weeks, and months.

Also, you look a lot like I do in the middle. The thin legs, the apple body. When Im thin I look pretty darn good, and so will you!!

We are here for ya! Just keep coming back!

Seriously hun, i understand you wanting to loose some weight, but goodness, don't label yourself as "fat" so you have a tummy, you can loose it!

Just use that jerk leaving you to your advantage, you'll loose weight and he'll be so sorry!!
Hey karma,

We all know how you're feeling. bu tyou can't do that to yourself. Belive it or not but you not loving yourself and the body that you have can effect you as a person and your personality towards loved ones. And you are starting now. Just eat healthier and don't cut out all your favorite foods. I learned that the hard way:eek: Just have portion control. And as for the sperm donor, He will get his karma. And I bet once you have changed your life stlye and your habbits you'll get some well deserved karma in your life. (GOOD KARMA);) So when you feel down, angry or just need to get stuff of your chest come here and write it down. Everyone here is really supportive and have great advice. So good luck to you. "The only way to FAIL is to QUIT"
Hey Karma... First off, welcome to the forums, you're going to meet some absolutely wonderful people here, and we're all here to help one another.

Since I joined the forums, my energy levels have *really* increased, and we can help you do that.

More important than losing the weight, you need to start feeling good about yourself, because THAT is where beauty lies -- not in what the scale says. By taking care of your body and taking control, you can build that self confidence that will make you shine.

We're all on this journey together, and we're glad to have you. :)

I'd recommend starting a journal on the forums, you can post on it as much as you'd like. They've really helped me in staying on track and motivated.
Dont worry about bringing us down, this forum is totally here to help:) i agree with pretty much all the other posts...the ex is gone and he should stay that way forever, he sounds like a no good dimwit and ill bet he has looooads of insecurities. But it doesnt matter if ur single, married, looking, or compeltely shunning everyone lol ur beautiful and u deserve this:D like those beauty products ads always say "because ur worth it":cool: and im not just talking about outer beauty, thin doesnt mean beautiful...but tempest is right! Feeling good is a beauty must! When u feel good, u shine!:D Enjoy who you are! Dont hate urself for who u arnt!:) (or be ashamed of it)
But uve made step 1! Let us know how u go every step of the way!
Good luck!:D
Thanks every1 for all your kind words :D i felt so unhappy yesterday when i took them photos. im not gonna dwel on it today so im gonna start i a diary. i feel better today after reading all ur posts. had an early start today and im gonna take my son out to the park(1st time in months) then Im gonna get my self a skiping rope and start working out!!
Good for you Karma. I'm glad ur attitude has changed:D Have fun at the park. Your son would love it. That's how I was with my kids. I would not go no where in stay in the house all day. It was very unfair to my childern and boring. My husband always nagged me for it. And I told myself, What do I gotta lose. And I thought I know I will gain my childerns respect for letting them know mamma cares enough for thier activity(even if it is taking them to the park). Hope that makes sence. You'll enjoy your day. Have fun

I know EXACTLY what you're going through - Keep up your spirits and try to feel good about yourself. If someone left you over a cute little stomach like that he was noooooo good! I'll look for your diary but I hope you're keeping up with your plan! Cheers!