Just another thought n my diary-feeling a bit down

I am glad I have been going to the gym and doing the workout sched the trainer gave me and doing my cardio, last night I took my son out to eat and he chose pizza hut, I should have gotten us the thin and crispy but I ordered what I used to always get 1 medium pepperoni and mushroom pan tossed and I ate a salad, I only could eat one slice of pizza, the rest is at home for left overs and today for lunch i was feeling down (having issues w/my boyfriend) and ate 2 slices of pizza and drank some gatorade, about 12 peanuts and had a fruit pop (what a combination right?), I just feel like crap now :( For some reason my relationship makes me feel real lonely and it shouldn't so when I get sad I tend to eat junk nothing healthy just junk why is that? So this pushes me back a bit...... Can't get to the gym today I work 8am-10pm Will be back tomorrow
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Don't waste your time feeling bad about steering off your schedule a little. I have found that failure leads to MUCH success in the long run.

Just get back on track asap.
Wow, that's an incredibly long shift you're working. You poor thing. I agree with LV, forget about today, tomorrow is a new day. Forgive yourself and get back on track immediately.

Best of luck to you.
nureyes0502 said:
thanks to both of ya....I know once I hit the gym tomorrow I will feel better....:eek:
Thats the attitude to have. Hope you have a kick-ass workout