Jogging on an powered-off treadmill?

One morning, it was so quiet to jog on the treadmill without having to turn on the motor when the rest of the people in the house need their peace and quite! Well, since I was not sure if that was the proper way to work the belt without damaging the motor when the power is off, I stopped the jogging shortly after a few minutes. There was no manual to consult. I wonder if I would ruin the motor by jogging on the belt when the power is off?
You were just running in place on your treadmill??
Sounds like it's already broken, if you ask me. Most treadmills have free spin belts so you can run easier at later stages of your running cycle. However, if you can run full speed on it, I don't know. That sounds weird to me.

However, I'm with ff. You should just go outside to run instead of running indoors. Unless the wood people are after you. In which case carry a large stick. :)
Never heard of that either, I'm kinda surprised that the belt moved - bet it worked your legs more than running with the motor on, since you would have to make your feet push the belt.. I would think it's not good for the treadmill, but who knows.. I'm with the others- go run outside... <G>