Jenny Craig


New member
Well if you have money to spend then this diet is for you. An average cost of meals per week is $75.00 (ouch) and that's the cheapest menu.

Jenny Craig is a service that provides frozen meals that are balanced and nutritious. This program can leave a dieter struggling once they leave the program. Liz Ward, M.S., R.D., a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association says:

"It's too much of a crutch for my taste. Providing most of the foods pre-prepared is like treating the symptoms, rather than the underlying cause of the weight problem."

Jenny Craig Diet program claims that it's a nutritionally balanced diet, provides ultra-convenient meals, one on one weight loss counselling support, and if followed, the Jenny Craig diet program will help you to lose weight.

Now here are some drawbacks, it's expensive, limited diet choice, doesn't focus on providing the essential real-life preparation on how to choose your own healthy, low-calorie foods. So even though you should lose weight, you may regain it when you leave the program
I am on jenny craig and i love really works. As for keeping the weight off they have a maintenance program you do once you've got to your goal which teaches you how to eat your own foods afterwards. I would recommend it to anyone but yes it is pricey.
Well no because you eat their food. So you have to finish the program then they teach you how to eat your own foods.
Anyone here on Jenny Craig?

Im on Jenny Craig and looking for some support buddies. If your on the program let me know. Thanks

I have been looking on here to see if there are any Jenny Craig people, and finally found one!
How long have you been on the program? I am on my 2nd week, all going well so far.

Hope to hear from you and others soon!

:) ;)
Yes Jenny Craig is pricey, but well worth it. You can join to do a maintenance program so after you have lost your weight, you go in for consultations to weigh in etc. Once you hit half of your goal weight, you prepare 2 days a week of food, and buy 5 days of JC food. So the more weight you lose, the more you cook and prepare for yourself. Jenny Craig also teaches the importance of eating lots of fruit and vegetables, what is high in fat and kilojoules or calories. If you know the difference between good and bad food, and exercise reguarly during and after Jenny Craig, your weight is maintained at what you want. They don't just throw the food at you and say 'see you next week!'
There is a woman here at my office who is always on Jenny- she loses a bunch then gains all back loses again yada yada. I'm not good with such a strict plan , I think that's what causes so many failures- You get sick of eating the same type of food and break out every once in while. If I want pizza I can have a slice or get a slice of whole wheat crust and feel satisfied without ruining my eating for the day where she'lll order a mini pie and eat the whole thing cause she just go nuts haha. I really love eating fresh foods everyday and I think it helps you realize what your putting into your body.
Jenny Craig worked for me some years back, however, I didn't stick to the plan and gained 60lbs back. Ugh.

I think that's what causes so many failures- You get sick of eating the same type of food and break out every once in while.

Exactly. That's what happened to me. I was spending $400 bucks a month, like $100 dollars a week on food. If I'm gonna spend that much a week, I might as well buy food that I like!!!!

I did it and it worked awesome! I lost almost 60 pounds in under five months! But low and behold, I am back up again bigger than I was prior! The maintenance program isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's essentially teaching you the Canada Food guide (American food guide) which we were all taught back in our childhood....
Well if that is that easy to follow, why the heck are we all so fat??
This time around I am doing it the tough way, I am not losing as quickly but I am learning new things about my habits, my body, my cravings etc. as I go. Things that will last me a life time...
I did Jenny Craig previously, and lost 20kg in 12 months (44 pound). I didn't mind the food and I found their guidelines easy to follow in maintenance. The best part of the program for me was the work they did on emotional eating and managing that.
The worst part was the small amounts of protein, which I think contributed to a couple of years of depression during and following the program.
Unfortunately, I got pregnant 2 months into maintenance, and that threw off my plans for stabilising. and like others, i put all the weight back on, and an extra 20kg on top.
Now I'm on the Cohens Lifestyle Program, and I've lost 20kg in 3 mths. I find it MUCH easier than Jenny Craig, despite the food servings being tiny.
Im on Jenny Craig and looking for some support buddies. If your on the program let me know. Thanks
hi Marek , ive been on the programme for 14 weeks now and lost 9.35 kg , i find it great and havent got to the stage of being bored yet. be great to chat to others on here about there experiences.
I was also on Jenny Craig. It cost about $75 without snakes. I gained all my weight back slowly and I was eating regular meals not over eating. The weight still came back though. You lose weight so slowly on Jenny's program what a pound or 2 a week. That could cost a lot if you have thirty or more pounds to lose. It cost me aprox. 2500.00 dollars for 35 lbs. I gained back about 70 lbs.

Now I'm on the Atkin's diet and I lost 11 pounds in 5 days, yes 5 days and I can eat as much as I want as long as my carbs don't go over 20% of my daily meal. You can eat all the meat you want, all the cheese you want, lots of salads with olives and meat and dressing, drink a lot of water and I eat all day and still lost 11lbs in 5 days. It hasn't come back yet. I'm still on the diet and I love it. I should lose at least 20 to 25 lbs in the 14 day beginners diet. Then they slow you down to second phase and you lose slower.

I got my Atkins diet book at the thrift store for $1.45 at Good Will. So that's all it cost I didn't have buy any special food.

You want the Dr. Atkins' NEW DIET REVOLUTION BOOK It's the revised and updated version from his other two books. It's great so if you tired of losing a pound or two a week I say do the Atkins' diet.

Forget Jenny and all that money your spending on that program. The only new thing I buy now is salad in a bag and grated cheese in a bag to put on it. I shop at Wenco so it's much cheaper than Raley's or Safeway.

Good Luck.
