Its been a slow process, but im getting there.

also first picture i am 8 months pregnant...just incase anyone got confused lol :)
You have done a great job..!!!
A difficult task but you have accomplished it successfully..Can you tell me that what workouts and diet plans you have used for getting back your body shape????
Thanks every one, Im very basic with my workout routines and diet.

I avoid carbs such as bread potato pasta etc after breakfast and only eat red meat twice a week. I never miss my breakfast which is usually musli with skim milk or lowfat yoghurt. I always drink lots of water and green tea. I allow my self as much fruit coffee and dark chocoalate as i want because im a mum and i need my sugar/caffine. during the day i replace bread etc with lentils chickpeas and cous cous.

As for my exercise i dont use a gym because im stuck at home with bub so i have a mat, a ball and 5kg dunbells, i do a combination of lunges and squats with weights, sit ups with punches whilst holding my weights and i use the ball to do reverse leg raises to tighten my glutes. Twice a week ill do my ab workout which is just situps and jackknifes...approx 200 all up :) i found that consistancy and adding weight was what showed me results the fastest.
Also i try to take the pram out atleast 5 times a week....even to go to the shops and forget about the dishes and vacuming for a while. :)
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Just an update, i was asked to do a shoot for a friend and im glad i did cause i really got a proper look at what keeping up my routine has done to my baby belly. Im really happy!


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Well done Amie, you do look great, especially those abs...Definately an inspiration to another Mum trying to get to the same place....Its amazing that you don't actually go to the gym and your that motivated...between nappies etc to get yourself fit too! How long have you been working out this time? x
Well done Amie, you do look great, especially those abs...Definately an inspiration to another Mum trying to get to the same place....Its amazing that you don't actually go to the gym and your that motivated...between nappies etc to get yourself fit too! How long have you been working out this time? x

exactly that.....working out between nappies :) about 2 months after my daughter was born i was really unhappy with what i saw in the mirror and in photos, i know its harsh to be so hard on myself only just after giving birth but i how i look on the outside effects how i feel inside. it took me about a year of just watching my diet, copying workouts from oxygen magazines and walking 3-5 times a week occasional running if my hubby could watch the baby.... aslong as everyday i did something that made me sweat i saw the results :) thanks for the kind words :)
Yup nice, I have a ways before I get there tho. Although I don't think my abs will ever look that nice.