
I'm from Malaysia. This is my first weight loss forum and I'm looking forward to making some great friends here.

All the best in your weight loss efforts.
Hi guys, even me from India.

Can anyone tell me what are the best snacks which can be regularly taken which should be low in calories?
Hi, I am from India as well :] Since we are familiar with the basic Indian diet, we might have a better understanding as in what is it in our diet that's causing weight gain and what could reduce it. Indian diet has a lot of whole grains but its rather oily as well. We usually fry or stir fry things and not bake them. I mean, some people do, but naturally baking is not a very common part of our food.

I want to make few changes in my diet, can anyone help ?

My mother is originally a bengali, so as u know, rice is pretty much liked and cooked at my home :] when it comes to taste, i prefer rice over chapatti too but since one or one and a half years i am having chapatti. I dont feel like having chapatti in summers... i feel like I will have to do so much hard work chewing it in this hot weather :D so I've been having rice since the past few weeks.
Keep it simple.....basic rules that worked for me [with a lot of exercise which you cannot avoid]...I have lost 10 kilos and 5 inches in 5 months

One Roti at lunch and One Roti for dinner.

Eat any amount of vegetables...potatoes, beets, arbi, suran do not count [just cut out all the starchy stuff...not rocket science]. And by this I mean regular sabzi..I do not have anything special cooked for me. So I eat a lot of sabzi with just one roti.

No sugar in tea or coffee at all.

No Mithai or chocolates or icecream...basically no sweets.

No fried no samosa/ kachori/ farsan/ bhajiyas...etc

If you are a non any amount of meat as long as it is not fatty...preference is simple Fish>chicken>mutton>beef>pork [if your religion permits you to eat the latter two]

I have done 1or 2 eggs a week and that has not killed me.

For breakfast I eat a handful of soaked Moong with lemon and salt + one bowl of Muesli with standard milk.

I carry small packets of fruits/ roasted chana [chickpeas]/ nuts [not peanuts] to office and eat every 2 hours or so.

that is all...obviously one has to avoid oily food...that goes without saying.
Rice is no problem as long as you can quantify it....remember how rice is sometimes served...stuff it into a small vessel [katori/ bati/ batki] to make a mould and then upturn it onto the thali...well that becomes a measure...dont take any more rice onto your plate...I so not know how your family eats, but if you eat fish should try and not eat the curry as that makes one eat more the fish by all means...and avoid oily food...not so difficult.

hope this helps
Hey broad,
I am here big fat mama of whole of Indian.