Im starting out and I need help with the diet

I've recently started working out.Lifting weights and doing cardio.I'm 6'1".My goal is to go from my present weight of 155 lbs-say maybe 220 lbs with a musclar body.I need to know what I should eat and when I should eat it to closer to my goal.
eat lots of protein. Try and eat 1g of protein per lb. of body weight, so if you weigh 155lbs, eat 155g of protein per day. Eat every 3 hours as well. If you need help getting the protein, get whey protein shakes from GNC or something, protein bars work great too. Eat lots of Tuna and Salmon, as they are high in protein. You have to eat lots of calories too. Try eating 3000 calories per day starting out and then increase if you dont see weight gain within a week or two. Its a tough change to make, but once you see it working, it isnt a me this works, I went from 158lbs to 174lbs in 3 1/2 weeks. Still not at my goal of 250lbs, but it takes time, you just have to be persistant and patient with your eating and workout routines and you'll get there.

Having one gram of protein to every 1lb of body fat is not really enough if you want to gain more size.

1 1/2 - 2g of protein is more along the lines to a healthier bodybuilding diet especially when your doing cardio aswell.

How often you do cardio will determine how much carbs you need to consume. What's your routine like at the moment?
This is just off of my personal experience. 1g seems to be doing great for me right now. You must remember that your kidney's cannot take too much ketones (SP?) so you must drink lots and lots of water when you eat this much protein. I dont do any cardio as I am trying to gain and it is working great so far. Eating between 3000-4000 calories per day, working out Mon. Wed. and Friday. With a light workout every morning Mon - Friday. I do squats, toe raises, reverse bench press, incline dumbel press, reverse preacher curls, inside and outside grip preacher curls, skull crunchers, tricep pushdowns, concentration curls, hammer curls, dips, leg lifts, and chest fly for my 3 day routine.
Thanks.I do drink alot of water.I dont think I do too much cardio.I'd say I do maybe 30 min of cardio a day.But my metabolism is so fast that the 30 min is really holding me back from gaining any weight.Like I said Im really new to this all.So could you give me some ideas about how many grabs of protein are found in different foods.Like how much is found in 1 egg?
I'd cut cardio out...If your anything like me, my metab. is so fast, I could lose weight sitting down. Might want to talk to your doctor about getting you something to increase your appetite. I take Megestrol and it works great. I'm 6'7" and was 158lbs and in 3 weeks shot up to 174lbs. I'm still not to my goal, but I am getting there. Try tuna, a can of tuna has approx. 24-28g of protein per can, plus it doesnt sit in your stomach like a rock. Protein bars work great too...Powerbar Plus's have 24 grams per bar and are a great replacement for candy bars. You should eat meals every 3 hours too, and if you can, even more than that. My breakfast consists of: can of tuna, 2 bagels, 2 sausage biscuits. Then at 10:30am I'll eat a double whopper with cheese from burger king (1000 calories), 11:30am I eat lunch, then at 1pm I'll eat 2 bowls of oatmeal and a fruit cup. at 3pm i'll eat a protein bar and another snack. I'll go home workout, immediatly after, I'll have another protein bar, then eat dinner.....I usually then eat about 9-10pm at night before I go to bed. It sounds like alot, but dont let it discourage you, it takes time, and still sometimes feels awkward to eat like that all the time, but you have to stick with it.