I'm clueless when it comes to exercise

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New member
What's up. My name's Brian, I'm new. My problem: I don't need to lose weight, but I desperately need to gain muscle. I'm about 6'4" and I weigh just under 190 pounds. I'm very skinny, especially in the arms and shoulders area. Even more embarrassing I'm a little chubby in the gut section. The past few months I've been lifting weights, doing pushups, situps, lots of stuff. But I haven't seen any improvement. I thought that it might be my diet, maybe it's too irreglular or I'm not getting enough nutrients. Can anyone recommend a steady diet that will help me gain muscle?
Hi, welcome to the forum,
I'm not sure if I can really help you but I will try. How often do you lift weights. I know you need to give your muscles a day of rest in between working out. I to lift weights but I am not trying to build muscle I'm trying to tone up. Maybee you need to increase your weights or just do more reps. Also I've learned to concentrate on the muscle you are working out and not move too quickly through the lifting or move. Also improveing you diet would help. I'm not sure what adjustments you would need to your diet. Well I wish you luck.
I'm very athletic and so I can def. help u out on this one. U should row sometime...it's a really good workout...esp for the arms....and legs..and it works ur abs a little too. Then...running is also good because it give u long and lean muscles and helps to trim down ur waist...and as for ur stomach problem...only thing that works is ab workouts after ab workouts...I used to a have a 4 pac so I would know...not the nasty body builder kind...I don't know what the excercises were called but I did about 10 different ones each night and at least 180 of each excercise...at first..u wanna start off by only doing 20 at a time...but after awhile...it just gets really really easy. hope this helps! :)
How do I post?

Hi, I just registered and i do not know how to post a question....can you help? Thanks!
Hey, thanks for the advice ice. Just one more question. The only addiction as far as food that I have is coffee. I drink about a pot a day. I don't think it has many calories, but with all that would it cause my stomach to bloat up? I've had this wicked stomach fat all my life and it's really the only thing that kinda stands out when I have my shirt. I'm really self-conscious about it. Thanks again.
i think you really just need to add some cardio to your workouts. The weights will add the muscle defination that you want, but you need to trim down the fat with some good old fasioned cardio so that you can see it. Weight training will help you a bit to burn some of that fat as muscle is a very efficient fat burner.
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