I would LOVE to see myself standing 5'3''!!!

Hello all you people reading this!!! I'm a 14-year old female who currently stands 6'!!! And guess what, I hate it!!! People are always telling me that being tall is a great gift, but no matter what they say I'll always hate it!!! So, I guess my question is, is there an exercise/fitness program I can work with that might help me "shrink". I'm telling you, it KILLS to be this tall, and I would do ANYTHING just to be shorter!!! PLEASE HELP!!!
Have you discussed this with your doctor? There is no way to make you shorter, however there are hormonal treatments that may prevent you from growing any taller. Unfortunately any good doctor would not prescribe these treatments unless your height were due to some obvious hormonal imbalance and was a result of abnormal growth that would lead to bone and joint problems as you mature.
How tall are your parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, grandparents? Does being tall run in your family?
Height is a great asset in many sports, basketball, track, etc. Have you considered trying any of those?
If it is any consolation there a lot of us who would love to be 6 inches taller.
from a short guy take it from me i agree with ds i'm 5,6 and i would love to be taller. And although working out when your younger is said to stunt your growth i wouldnt reccomment it. think about all the super models that are tall. i know its hard when you bangin your head in the doorway but it'll pay off some day.
Weight training will not stunt your growth. Unless you manage to break a bone as a consequence of lifting weights. And even then the break would likely have to occur near the end of the bone at the growth plate.

Beginner478, don't hate your body. Quoting someone, "Love thy self."
really i was always under the impression that if you began weight training to early then it would stunt your growth. that being said it was always reassuring because i am a tiny guy anyway. But thats jason. I do totally agree though do what you can with what you've got but always be gratefull, because one mans joy is anothers bain (not nessercarly men by the way but yya get the point)
Listen, there's nothing wrong with being tall. You have to strut, girl. When you fill out and you start looking like a supermodel, you better be done with these complaints. ;) Seriously, love yourself. You can't do anything about your height except enjoy it. Anyone who doesn't like you for who you are isn't your friend. And there are lots of people who will. At 14 that's a bit tall...if I recall correctly I was about 5'9" at your age, and I was considered huge...I say enjoy it. Lots of people are jealous of you. My girl is 5'2". She would kill to be as tall as you...'course, then she'd be taller than I am,and I'd have to send her packing! Heh heh, just kidding. :D
o dont worry

at 14 everything is awkward, especially ur body. i remember when i was 14 i was positive that my ears were way too big, even tho they perectly proportional.

being a 6ft tall girl is awesome. u can kick ass in sports and when u grow into ur body ull appreciate it. guys notice tall girls first out of the crowd. u should be happy that ur this tall...HAPPPPYYYYYYY
beginner478 said:
Hello all you people reading this!!! I'm a 14-year old female who currently stands 6'!!! And guess what, I hate it!!! People are always telling me that being tall is a great gift, but no matter what they say I'll always hate it!!! So, I guess my question is, is there an exercise/fitness program I can work with that might help me "shrink". I'm telling you, it KILLS to be this tall, and I would do ANYTHING just to be shorter!!! PLEASE HELP!!!


I feel your pain like you wouldn't imagine. I am almost 6' 4'' 17 y/o, only shorter than my dad (6' 7''). First off there is nothing we can do about that, so griping...which I do alot, doesnt help anything.

However I will tell you that I would LOVE to find a tall girl to hang out with. Seriously, that's one of the biggest things taller guys look into ;)
nothing you can do to make yourself shorter.
You can perform exercise that will help you gain some mass, which might give you the appearance of not being so tall!
Thinner makes people seem taller.
beginner478 said:
Hello all you people reading this!!! I'm a 14-year old female who currently stands 6'!!! And guess what, I hate it!!! People are always telling me that being tall is a great gift, but no matter what they say I'll always hate it!!! So, I guess my question is, is there an exercise/fitness program I can work with that might help me "shrink". I'm telling you, it KILLS to be this tall, and I would do ANYTHING just to be shorter!!! PLEASE HELP!!!

5'3 = short. 6' is good, as long as you don't grow any more than that.
Tall = good genes, as long as you're not like 6'7 ;/
ha! You're lucky. I would love it if I was 5'3. I'm still 5'2.