Weight-Loss I need some assistance please


Barry D.

New member
Hello everyone, here's my issue/question.
a little back story 1st.
in the 90's i used to body build (not professionally) but i was big & cut up (6'3" 215lbs). I had a back injury that put me out of commission for a long time. I'm now around 265lbs. I've started my journey back to healthy & here is my issue. I know in order to do this properly i should use a mix of cardio & weight training, but the minute i start lifting any amount of weight i begin to bulk up & get bigger. Then none of my dress shirts fit anymore. Lol i can't afford to go & buy all new shirts, also at 45 i dont want to be big, just trim, tone & healthy. I'm still semi muscular but with a protective layer of fat covering everything, especially my AB. I've been doing a good amount of cardio & have been increasing regularly & have changed my diet. My question is do i just keep doing tons of cardio until i get small enough to do some lifting? or is there another option that I'm unaware of?
Increase the reps if you're below 8 and decrease your carb/protein intake till you're happy with your size, the more food you consume, the bigger you're going to get :D
It's different for different people. I'm similar with lifting weights. Genetics, Upbringing, Work Load history, Physiology, medical records and current conditioning often make it problematic when taking or giving advice.

One thing that is generally the same and was well said in the last post:
"...the more food you consume the bigger you get."

My perspective:

I found upping the cardio and increasing the reps with lowing the weights not a bad start, however given my set of circumstances with age nearing 50; I am finding it much more sustainable focusing on food rather than exercise.

I'm down to power walking at a pretty fast pace and doing full body workouts every second day with mostly free weights. (at home) - However I can't overstate the importance for me, that such exercise is something I intend to drop in favor of eating right.

With regard to exercise - Making the time for rest post 45 years of age is way different to that of the past. I have had to prioritize my life as more important then the obligations of whatever. Making time to get well and or lose weight is a must. Devolving a whole new outlook from that of the past was a must for me. I've had to readdress my well entrenched mind over matter approach and direct my focus away from the dumbbells and into my digestion.

Learning to eat way less and clean, means I am able to stay trim without the need for repetitive movements that make me feel like a machine. The brisk/power walking I now do will provide all the workout I need and any further resistance I feel is warranted will be incorporate more as a natural means. (I also look forward to slowing my pace when the weight drops)

In a nut shell - I am finding it much more sustainable learning about nutrition and watching what I put in my mouth. The less I drive myself so hard, the less I need to eat and the better I look and feel.

Developing a new mind set to go with my longer teeth seems to be the ticket for me.

None of us are getting any younger, although the adds will sell us what they must.

Best of luck picking whatever path to obtain whatever goal. I'm just getting too old to be doing the same ol same ol. ;)
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