i feel worse than when i started

30 pounds later, I think my body image is worse than when I started. I look in the mirror and I'm disgusted. When I don't go to the gym one day it drives me crazy, and I can't stop feeling bad about myself. Same when I have an unhealthy eating day. Is this normal? I think I'm just so afraid of gaining it all back... and I need to lose more.
lol. itll take alot longer to gain it back then u think. ive lost about 25lb eating right and exercising yada yada. let me tell u this, i havent done my cardio (correctly) in over a month, this past weekend i ate more calories than any health instructor could bear to imagine, and i havent gained a damn 10th of a pound of it back. if anything, im looking more fit. sometimes, u just have to say "good job body, here's a treat"
I agree I splurged this weekend and felt fine ate worst this weekend then I had all year when it came time to work out today, I just put a little extra effort into my workout :)
I can relate!!!

I just wanted to tell you that I can completely relate to you on this subject. When I started losing weight I had semi poor body image. Now 30 pounds later I look in the mirror and hate what I see. What you have to do is think about that weight that you have lost and look at old pictures of yourself, and then take a picture of you right now. That way you can truly see the difference and it will make you feel better. It works for me!! Best of Luck!
Be careful with this trend. You may need to begin some positive assurance of yourself that you are getting better and better day-after-day, and that you are an attractive person.

What you're describing sounds like the early stages of anorexia nervosa.
HotRodannie said:
What you have to do is think about that weight that you have lost and look at old pictures of yourself, and then take a picture of you right now. That way you can truly see the difference and it will make you feel better. It works for me!! Best of Luck!
This is great advice, and yes SOME people may be able to blow off cardio for a month and eat whatever but everyone reacts different. But it all comes down to your goals and how serious you are. If you are that worried about gaining back why in the world are you having ANY unhealthy eating days!? The term is "cheat meal" not "cheat day".