How to improve power?

I am researching how to improve power for a project for school mainly the power of leg muscles and I would appreciate some tips, possible exercises and general information on the topic
Squats, deadlifts both with maximum effort and dynamic effort.

Olympic lifts.

Are you looking at power for running or power for lifting?
Aloha & HowZit "Nickoran"!

Hope your research is going well and that whatever is shared is helpful.
As for your inquiry - there can be no improvement before you can understand and recognize what's beendeveloped first?

Let me share two examples, and please keep an open-mind to them.
Men weren't born with erections and women weren't born with breasts.
Think-deeply about this...
What is improved on is an extension of what has been developed.
The foundation before the structure. The function before the form/shape.
Make sense?

Now in reference to "improve power" the legs recieves its "power" from the torso/hips/buttocks.
Those who study various internal-arts understand this principle.
Each art use the word power differently as "chi" for the chinese, "ki" the japanese, "Mana" the Hawaiians and "AIR" for the rest of the english speaking world.
This is refered as the "funnel-affect" where the mass of energy pathways starts wide and gather to meet at the exit-point or the outlet.
This is like "cracking a whip" where the power comes from a greater source and travels to a single-point. Get the picture? It's the person holding and using the whip that gernerates "power". No different to the person training for "power" forgetting where it is actually coming from.

The torso/hips/buttock energy to either Arms-to-hands and legs-to-feet. Punching and Kicking action.
The proper application when gathering one's physical-power is transmitted only when there is a relaxed-like position.
The course of transmitting human-energy means there is no obstruction or interuption to is flow.
I am not going into detail about this but you should research more on it.

Okay "Nickoran" that's it for now.
Good luck with ALL your research but remember to understand what it is you are asking means making the time to observe those who "exercise for power". Why? To understand human-ability is watch human-actions!

Aloha for now...mikey q.
For increasing your leg power running is the best other than that squatting and dead-lift is good...

Running is only good for power if it's done within certain parameters.

To build power, you need to pick an exercise that allows you to do something that is both heavy and fast, while taking into consideration safety. Hang high pulls, thrusters, jerks, medicine ball slams...

I'm a fan of complex training, in which you do about 90%1RM on an exercise such as squats or deadlifts (which is too heavy to do it fast), and then move to a lighter exercise such as vertical jumps or overhead medicine ball throws, which will feel even lighter after the heavy exercise, and the fast twitch fibres will be primed for it. You could even do the same exercise (if it's safe to do so), and move from 85%+ straight down to 30-50% for triples.
If you aim at increasing the stamina, then it is in your hands. First of all it is important to know your power. For instance, you have the stamina of running on the treadmill for 5 minutes. Next time, you can try running for 7 minutes. Make sure that you are increasing the intensity on a gradual basis so that you don't feel tired. This also hold true in case of other exercises, increase the capacity slowly and your power will also increase.
Go leaps create power in your lower body and will improve your straight jump. Stand with you neck size apart and your hands by your factors. Fold your legs, force your buttocks back and come down into a squat position while at the same time moving your hands behind you.
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They say that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but when it comes to the brain, scientists have discovered that this old adage simply isn’t true.
In order to improve the power, it is first important to know your power. If you understand the stamina and capacity of your body, only then you can work towards improving it. Make sure that you make small changes to your exercise routine so that there is no stress on your body.