How to get ripped, not big?

Hi guys my first topic here, and I've got 1 question for you: I dont wanna get big like these guys you know?(the rock, john cena e etc.)
What I really want to be is ripped like a basketball player(derrick rose). Any tips? I started at the gym about 1 week ago, just to let you know.
Hey bud, I recommend bootcamp or cross fit style workouts where you don't take many breaks and reputations are high and your heart rate is consistently high.

I focus on five core workouts to helped get ripped, but not bulky:

1. Deadhang pullups and lots of the
2. Burpies
3. Push-ups
4. Crawls (crab and bear, doing both forward and reverse).
5. Squats/lunges

I have pullups be the center of my workout at least twice a week. Almost every workout will also have burpies in-between sets to keep my heart rate up.

Similar to pull-ups, push-ups are the center of my workout twice a week. Use different hand positions and props to change it up.

The crawls are great for all around upper body strength and you will be worn out if you do it for 3 minutes consecutive plus your heart rate will shoot through the roof!

Squats... enough said. Do them often.
MSE (Muscular strength endurance) circuits, and variations like body pump are good for this.
Reps need to be high enough to be out of pure building range but low enough before change to allow some building to give you the muscle you want to show in the first place.
I use s different system of training across the board, power though to full stamina so my body builds a bit but stays relatively lean. This is not as good for aesthetic, more functional but it does work if you are crazy enough.
Not knowing your current level of muscularity, and how that compares directly to your desired outcome, my advice is actually to train like you want to get huge, and then start changing things once you're at the point where you don't want more muscle on your frame. It generally takes years of intentional effort (both in the gym and outside of the gym) to end up looking anything like the Rock. I've been strength training for a decade and am still a skinny bastard, so, anecdotally, I'm inclined to suggest that you won't get bigger than you want by accident. But yeah, build the muscle that you do want (and what better way to do that than to train like you want to build muscle?), then adjust things once you're happy with the amount of muscle you've got and start focusing on culling any excess fat.
Another thing that I wanna know is, what if I make boxing instead of gym? Will I gain muscle too?