How I Look...But Not for Long


New member
I have come to realize that I need a change in my lifestyle. I'm not only overweight, but not healthy nor happy. I am 155lbs now, but NOT FOR LONG! :D

Here are some pictures of me right now:

P.S. sorry about the close ups...only pics I have on this computer =(
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Good Luck!!! Thanks for the extreme close ups! :)
you are very cute... and i hope when you get to the weight you want, you will have a smile on your face to replace that second picture :)

The third picture, honestly, you look fine to me, you look healthy and happy... not super waify skinny, but healthy, like someone who wouldn't break if her cute boyfriend hugged her :)
i'm 5'4" and weigh 155lbs. my parents say i look chubby and everything i read online says that i should be around 115lbs-135lbs. so, yup, i'm overweight. lol :p
You and I are both lucky in the respect that you don't have weight around your face. Your bod looks fine- I don't think you look heavy!! Your face def. makes you look very thin!

Best of luck shedding those pounds, though!!

Hello, honey

You look great NOW!!!!!! Really.:) So, try to feel comfortable, and everything will be ok.

By the way, I absolutely in 100% agree with maleficent: someone who wouldn't break if her cute boyfriend hugged her :D
HOLY GUACOMOLE!!! You do NOT look chubby in any of those photos. Your face, waist and arms appear quite slender. If anything, you look like you have a lot going on up top and that is probably why you weigh more than "normal."

If you feel comfortable, enjoy it. You are beautiful and sexy. A lot of women would kill (or pay mega $$$ for implants) to have curves like that. If you are not comfortable (ex- getting backaches, having trouble sleeping), then lose or tone. But keep in mind, whatever you do, don't buy into folks calling you chubby. They are NUTS. :)
I think you look pretty good so far.

By the way...I hope I am just mis-seeing in the first pic, but are TWO people kissing you? I might just be mistaken.
you havent' seen 150lbs and chubby until you've seen me.. =.=

you weigh a few more pounds than I do and you look thinner than me~ o.o

but I'm sure you'll get down where you want to be~ good luck! =3
umm the pics no longer work :(