How come after only drinking about 2.5 pints of lager still feel crappy the next day

Hi there

Anyone got any ideas why after only drinking about 2.5 pints of Lager, I still feel crappy the next day???

Im 22 now, I started drinking when I was 18, as thats the legal age in this country, I use to drink every friday and saturday night, but only about 2 to 3 pints, and the next day I usually felt fine, a few times a did have 4 pints and felt crap the next day. I realise that its not just how much you drink but how fast you drink those pints plays a role too.

I now drink about 2.5 to 3 pints once a week.

I can down a pint a lot quicker than I used to, but I have slowed down a bit. I always drink about 1.5 or 2 pints of water before going to bed. Not that I can sleep much after alcohol.

I went out last night and drink 2.5 pints in just over 2 hours, I weigh about 10 stone (140 pounds), im bigger than I was at 18. Then I was 9 stone (126 pounds).

I have a theory, the more you eat at one sitting, the more food it takes you to become full, right?
Do you think its the same with water, I get my 8 glasses a day for sure.
But maybe the more water you drink, the more it takes you to requench your thirst, or am I writing a load of old cods wallop lol

Your thoughts are welcome....

Thank you
Hey Jackie, with the Lager, it could be possible that you might have an allergy or intolerance to something that it's made from. Some allergies don't show themselves until later on in life.

I think with the getting full thing... it might be more that the faster you eat, the more food you get in before your brain starts to tell you that you're full, not so much that you require more food to get full. If you eat more slowly, you will start to feel full, but will have taken in less food than if you ate quickly. Not sure if the same thing applies to drinking water throughout the day...