How can I lose muscle mass and fat?

So basically the title says it all. I need to lose muscle mass and fat in both my stomach and my thighs. I am 5'4 and I weigh around 128 pound, my legs are a mixture of flab and tone and its extremely disheartening. I have been working out for about a year but only consistently for 6 months and I've seen no results. I also eat pretty clean. Everything I read says to do long running sessions to reduce muscle but i dont have a treadmill to run on. I really need help with this because having this problem is causing my depression to worsen (just as I was getting better too) so any help on how to lose muscle mass and fat is much appreciated.
To build muscle & lose fat, you need a variety of proteins, veggies, fruits, carbs, and healthy fats. Eating protein helps to build & maintaining muscle. But it also helps fat loss: protein has a higher thermic effect than carbs/fats.

Eating fats also help fat loss: your body holds fat if you don’t eat fats. Fruits & veggies contain vitamins & minerals, necessary for recovery from your workouts. And carbs fuel your muscles so you feel full of energy at the gym.