How Am I Doing?


New member
-Stats (age, height, weight, Body fat %)31, 5'4" yoyo between 150-155, ?
-Diet (in detail meal to meal, overall daily caloric intake, ratios)I try to stay between 1200-1500 cals. I try to get at least 2-3 fruits and veggies a day and also try to get 2 slices of bread with double the fiber. ^-8 glasses of water in winter, as it warms up, I drink more.
-Exercise routine in detail (cardio/weight training)3 days a week MON, Wed., Fri. I do 30-40 min on elliptical trainer. And 30-40 mins on treadmill. I vary the workouts so I don't get used to them. On Tues, Thur I do elliptical traier for 30 min. Then I have a 30 min yoga class. as of this week i am going to add crunches in every night of the week.Also this week I am adding weight training, as advised to me from Steve.
-Clear reason and question for the post Just want to know what will work best for me to lose the last 13- 17 lbs I want to lose. Something I will stick to and like because i know I will have to do this for the rest of my life.
-Current and overall goal My current goal is to make it to Valentine's Day and be a t 145. My over all goal is 135-137.
-How long you have been doing what you are doing in diet and routine For 2-3 months.
-If you have any medical problems or injuries we should be aware of None

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Short on time but I will get to this when I return from training.
Here is what I notice...

Diet: I would being you are throwing resistance training not hit 1200 calories. Your BMR is around 1400. I would bounce between 1350-1650. Days you do training eat more, days you rest eat less. Basically eat for energy expenditure.
Every meal should have a complete protein source. Focus on good fats, lean proteins and complex/fibrous carbs.

Training:Throw in a HIIT session in place of a steady state session. 3 days a week cardio is plenty. So just look into mixing up your types of cardio. Progress as your fitness level progresses. Since you talked to Steve about the weight training I will live it at that, he certainly has that area covered.

Basically you are one the right track. Just make sure you know the exact calories that are going into your body, focus on proper nutrition and don't eat to under to often, this will keep a plateau and funky hormones at bay.

I have no doubts you will achieve your goals.