Home Gym Stock

Hi everyone,

I'm going to be making a small gym in the shed at the back of my garden, but I don't know what kind of equipment to stock it with. There won't be that much space, and I cant spend tooo much on it. I would like equipment to keep me fit and to build and tone muscle to mek me shexshy HAhAH. Anyway, I have this in mind so far:

1. Treadmill
2. Multigym

Ermmm.. yeh thats about it. What else should I get?

that multigym, do you have a link to what you have in mind?

i love free weights and got a power rack last year for $299 with free shipping but that might not be what you want exactly.

Hmm I dunno what I'm looking for really in a multigym, they all look the same to me. A thing for pecs, a thing for arms, shoulders, some have a thing for quads. Obviously I'm not very well informed on this matter. I've been looking on ebay, and I'm buying in pounds, something like this:

What should I look for in a good multigym?
75 cent, is that the rapper guy?

:D :D :D

seriously, i'm not well informed on multigyms also but i agree with what you have in mind.