HIIT miracle

Hey, since reading about HIIT I've been very curious of how fast results could be so I started. I weigh around 210lbs, 5'10, bulky build but lean muscle on torso and flabby around waist, hips, and thighs. Since I can't target weightloss in one region and I hate running long distances this sounded right for me.
So I started at with a 2minute light jog on my eliptical runner, then for ten minutes I would do 30second intervals of fast heart-pounding runs and very upbeat jogs. This was probably the worst way to start because my first day trying it I had to quit at 5minutes because I was so tired. Then I kept doing it and gritting through the pain and sure enough I was seeing results within the WEEK, plus it was getting easier. I mean the results for one week was down right amazing. I wish I would have measured myself but I fealt so good because I looked so much more vibrant.
But when the weekend came long I didnt workout at all, which I should've least ran, and I kinda changed back to flubby.. Not near as bad as I looked on monday before I started but somewhere in-between that got me depressed.
Next time you have a chance, weight yourself and tell us how you did!

Though, the fact that you feel more vibrant are results enough.
You can actually "see a difference" in a week, and then when you start you seem more flubby?

Are you sure that just isn't a mental thing? I find when I work out and eat right I look thinner in the mirror. It's all a mental game and how you perceive yourself.

Anway, yes HIIT is very good.