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New member
AHey guys I've got some questions about weightloss,
Im a 15 year old male I weigh 93 kg / 205lbs and I'm 173 cm / 5 ft 8
Tall and my current BMI is 31.04,

I'm supposed to be around 70 kg / 154 lbs
And as far as I'm aware my ideal BMI is 23.40

So my goal is to loose 33 kg / 72 lbs
I know it's a big goal, usually people break it down
E.g. To loose 10 lbs within the next however many weeks but knowing
I have a big goal to reach makes me more motivated.

Anyways to my point now,
I wanna loose as much weight as I can in the shortest time
Possible, I am aware that it's unhealthy but I really don't give
A damn,

My plan is to run for an hour every day,
Drink at least between 1.5 - 2 litres of water a day
Cut out any sugar or fats,
No fizzy pop or anything,
More fruit and veg,

Roughly how much weight would I loose a week?
Does anyone know?

On top of my daily 1 hour run
I'm out all day during Saturdays with friends,
Roughly from 11:00 - 20:00
I'm out after school from 14:40 - 19:00
And occasionally Out one other day during the week
After school Aswell,

So how much weight can I loose a week?
You can certainly lose weight very quickly but you need to make sure that you keep this off in the future (trust me, i have lost stones of weight but put that back on quicker than it took me to lose it all.) You need to make sure that you incorporate a lot of protein in your diet from lean sources such as turkey or chicken. If you do a standard, high protein and relatively low carb diet, you could lose your weight in a couple of months. But just be careful as if you are exercising a lot you need to keep the carbs at a "right" level- enough to lose weight but enough to keep your exercise going. Also, as you are 15, you are still growing so maybe taking it to extremes right now isn't too suitable? Make sure you eat lots of fruits, vegetables and protein though- thats my main tip
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