Headache after little workout

Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum.

I am facing a problem from couple of months, whenever i go out even for 2-3 hrs get severe headache in left middle of my head. And it goes when i have a deep sleep for couple of hours.

Can any body tell me what could be the possible reasons? Should i see some specilist doc? I am a bit worried about this.

Thanks for your attention and reading this.

The easy answer? Yes. Seriously, something like this is something that I don't even want to begin to try and guess at online.
The easy answer? Yes. Seriously, something like this is something that I don't even want to begin to try and guess at online.

Thanks for the reply. But what could be the some possible causes? Can you please highlight some?

Thank you.
A very commom cause of headaches is dehydration. Obviously you'll lose some fluid as you sweat, but there are other losses too. If you live/work/work out in an air-conditioned environment you'll lose some by every breath as AC usually lowers the humidity in the air.

Then there is the question of what you're drinking, coffe and tea for instance have diuretic properties, which also can have a negative effect on your fluid balance.

Part of the trouble is that if you wait until you get thirsty you're actually too late (Not that it's particuarly critical, but still), and if you drink too much in one go your body won't be able to absorb all of it.

If you really want to treat your body right you should try to drink small gulps frequently, particularly while exercising.

Then again, if you're fully hydrated when you start working out you should be able to go at least one hour before dehydration actually becomes significant.

Checking one's level of hydration properly isn't that easy. The only way that I know of that is readily available way is the slightly unpleasant method of checking the color of your urine. If it's as dark during the day as it is first pee in the morning, then you're quite probably dehydrated.

If dehydration is what ails you, try drinking 500 ml of water the hour before starting your workout and see if that helps.

Other reasons? Well, some gyms play music real loud - that can also trigger headaches.

Maybe you're tense and nervous about going to the gym or the aerobic class? That can trigger tension headaches.

Maybe you actually need glasses, but leave them off while training? Or you're working out outside, in bright sunlight w/o sunglasses? Squinting is another possible headache trigger.

Finally there are the more "medical" reasons. A workout will affect your blood pressure, pulse and whatnot, so although at the far end of the probability scale there might be something there as well.

But if there aren't any other indicators, and the headaches are neither severe or long-lasting I'd go with the dehydration theory without a doubt.
Your intermittent headache of 2 months likely represents a serious medical condition and you should be evaluated by your primary care physician ASAP.

This could represent severe hypertension exacerbated by working out. Your PCP will decide if you require brain imaging to evaluate for a brain bleed or tumor.

Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum.

I am facing a problem from couple of months, whenever i go out even for 2-3 hrs get severe headache in left middle of my head. And it goes when i have a deep sleep for couple of hours.

Can any body tell me what could be the possible reasons? Should i see some specilist doc? I am a bit worried about this.

Thanks for your attention and reading this.

it may just be that your exercise is starting the headache chain-reaction. In that case, it's important to look at the overall picture and make sure you're getting the treatment you need for headaches. Your doctor may recommend a pain killer to take just before you exercise, to stop the pain before it starts. In the case of migraine, this is called an "effort migraine", and it's very common.
To check don't worry about your fluid input - frequency of going to the bathroom and colour of urine is a much better guide (Google urine colour charts for guidance).
Take a glucose tablet or eat something with a basic sugar and a little salt before the workout. They'll help maintain water levels through different compartments of the body.
Headaches that most frequently occur due to exercise or over-exertion include jogger's headache and orgasmic headache (sex headache). While these may occur in isolation, they are most common in people who have an inherited susceptibility to migraine (one or both parents have migraines).
Yes Headaches most common medical complaints. Mostly people experience them at some point in their life. They can affect anyone regardless of age, race, and gender.

Solution of Headache
  1. Try a Cold Pack
  2. Use a Heating Pad or Hot Compress
  3. Get Some Caffeine
There could be many causes for getting headaches from workouts. While you can find a lot of information online, you should not be seeking medical advice online. This is something only your doctor can properly investigate for you.
There could be many causes for getting headaches from workouts. While you can find a lot of information online, you should not be seeking medical advice online. This is something only your doctor can properly investigate for you.
Yes I agreed PLB.
But using some Ayurveda Medicines its help relief your headaches like Gokhru

In today's tense life, more and more people are being victimized due to headache disease. Feeding 10-20 ml of Gokhru kadha in the morning and evening gives relief from the headache that occurs. Using Gokhru in this way will benefit. If you want more read benefit of Gokhru in hindi


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Honestly, keep hydrated and go and have a detailed blood test done. :)