G's Diary


New member
Today is about the third day into my diet, I've been trying to cut out carbs and to eat smaller meals throughout the day rather than three large meals with snacks in between. I'm not extremely overweight, I'm 135 pounds, and five foot three, but I'd like to get toned up and get down to 115. I was doing really well for a while- I can't afford a gym membership anywhere so I was going to a local gym where I could use all the equipment for free, but then they upped the price, and I'm way too poor to pay the new fee. So, that cut way back on how much I was exercising. But, tomorrow is the first day where I'll get up and make myself exercise in what I hope will become a habit.
Hey! We have really similar stats, LOL. If everything goes as planned for me and I'm starting to get to eat normally, and you want to kinda buddy up together to motivate eachother to lose weight, I'm totally all for that. I'm 5'4 and 134lbs, and 115 would be a great weight for me to aim for at first. I probably won't be on much until next week, being as I'm visiting my boyfriend for thanksgiving, but afterwards, if you're interested, that'd be really cool :)
If you're more of a do it yourself person, that's totally cool with me, so don't think you're hurting my feelings, lol. Just letting you know that the offer stands if you're interested!

I was on a streak there eating really healthy throughout the day and doing yoga, it may have only been about a three day streak, but then I just went nuts at an asian buffet. my boyfriend and i were supposed to go get sushi, but the roads were really bad and we were about twenty feet away from the buffet compared to the mile away distance of the sushi restaurant. Oh well, it's not that big of a deal. I love that buffet b/c they have a million kinds of fish to eat. I was vegetarian for eight years, and I was vegan for three of those years, and just last month I started eating fish again. So, when some of it is in front of me I eat it all. And tomorrow I'm excited, b/c this year I am going to Thanksgiving at my aunt's house, and everyone in the family is sick of turkey, so we're all having salmon. For once I won't be eating some nasty salad and whatever other table scraps don't have meat in them. But anyway, yoga felt great.
Hi g,

welcome to the forum.
Your plan for losing weight looks really good and don't let one "woooops" get you down. Just go back to your 'normal' routine the next day and you'll be fine.
Good for you that Thanksgiving fit into your eating plan:)

That was such a great Thanksgiving weekend. In terms of dieting, the only time that I got out of control was yesterday- my boyfriend was an ass on the phone (i.e. said he didn't miss me when I said I missed him, it was only a three day weekend, etc., jerk), and then I went and ate a ton of potato salad and cheese. Then the day beforehand, my mom and I went shopping on "Black Friday," and then I asked if we could possible pick up those slim fast drinks so that I could give it a try. And this is completely silly of me, but my mom just said sure, and we got it like it was anything else. She was trying to make me comfortable, and I'm extremely stubborn so even if she didn't think I needed to go on a diet she knows that I would insist on it, but it would've been nice to hear her insist that I'm "skin and bones and don't need to diet" or something along those lines. Oh, and the one other thing that happened was I went out to eat with some old friends I ran into later that day, and we all ordered salads. But this was so bizarre. I ordered a large caeser salad, but since I'm partially veggie it was just a big bowl of lettuce and cheese so I had it down in a matter of minutes. Everyone else had a ton of stuff in theirs, but they barely ate anything. They all skimmed the top of their salads, and then sent them away, and didn't even take them home. What is wrong with people? Why order food at all if you're just pretending to eat? It's wasteful moneywise, foodwise, and naturewise. Over the weekend, I did note that my weakness seems to be cheese. Until I'm a little more active I should lay off it a bit.
P.S. Thanks for contacting me and offering your support Star, I would like to form a buddy system but I'm not online often enough for it to really pan out- I probably wouldn't notice comments until a week after they were posted and wouldn't be that much of a help. But good luck and take care!
HI g,

you noticed your weak point, that's already very good. Cheese isn't all bad for you, if you pick the right kind and don't overdo it. Try to get some lowfat cheese (i.e. Mozzarella) and you don't have to feel bad about eating it.

And put that evening behind you - everybody is allowed a cheatday, actually everybody should have cheat days, so that you won't feel deprived.

I know what you mean about your Mom not saying anything, when you asked for SlimFast. I always feel the same, when I say that I should lose a few pounds and she agrees:(
I don't remember the last time I signed on to this, but my weight is the same as before. I've been excessively busy for a long time, and still will be, but now exercise is serving a different kind of function for me- instead of working out to get in shape, it's pretty much to get rid of stress. It calms me down quite a bit. And now it's spring-time and it's so nice out I should be running around outside more. But, I've also been eating a lot of fast food b/c time and money are pretty scarce, so I haven't made any noticeable weight progress. So, now I'm trying to make a resolution to stop eating fast food altogether for a month, and try to stick to home-made things, although this doesn't guarantee they'll be any healthier than burger king foods. In a week of trying this I'll reweigh myself and see if there's any difference. Today, the 25th, I am still 135. Next week, the 1st, we'll see.
Oh. My. God. Tonight I went to this party, and saw a guy that had a huge crush on me last year. Last time I checked, I have actually put on 10 pounds which makes me 145 lbs, but I didn't think it was really noticeable. My jeans still fit, and so on. But tonight, I was out with my boyfriend at this party, then was eating some hommus with carrot sticks while I talked to a friend, and the guy that had a crush on me last year called me over to him. He's not a malevolent person, and has crushes on everyone, so I know he didn't do this to be mean, but it was so incredibly shocking. He said, and I quote, "I'm going to ask you something and I don't mean any offense, but you've gotten BIGGER since I last saw you" and I stared at him, and then he proceeded with "why is that?" and I said "I cannot believe you just said that" and turned away in shock, and then of course, of course, someone decided to have him take a group photo of us all, and all I could think was how I'm so grateful to have my hot boyfriend since I'm apparently a tank. So anyway, new measures must be taken. I don't know what the measures will be, but running at least once every other day is at the top of the list. Any suggestions for work out tips anyone?
Oh boy how rude. that guy obviously doesnt have any manners. and btw your not a tank hes an a** ;)
as for exercising i love jogging i try and do it as often as i can, variety thats the key to not getting bored. allot of ppl like doing HIIT and have gotten great results from it. doing some sort of resistance training is great too. good luck to you :)