Sport Gaining muscle / Losing fat, which diet?

Sport Fitness
Hey all. I'm new here, but I've found a lot of informative posts and have been lurking for quite some time. First some history on me...I started working out January. I was 5'11" 200 lb, and was down to 165 lb by late March. I was working at the gym every other day, then somewhere in there I figured that going every day would be twice as good, adding in nightly 1-mile runs. Well, after about 6 weeks of my weight being stable I figured I was overworking my muscles wayyyyy too much. Now I'm weightlifting twice a week, about 30 min each session (I do the 2 set per muscle routine, first set as a warmup, second set do about 10-20 reps until failure, then move to next muscle). I also play tennis 2 days out of the week, about an hour and 30 minutes. My question, however, is nutrition. I've gained some muscle around my body lately but I still have about a half inch layer of fat around my abs and elsewhere. I can tell I have some ab muscle underneath, but its not tone. Most of my body isn't tone, and that's the problem. I think what confuses a lot of us is what diet we need to have to gain muscle and lose fat, since for gaining muscle you need to eat a LOT and for losing fat you need to eat minimally. Right now I eat about 3000 calories per day and I'm putting all my faith into my body to use those into building muscle, not more fat. I don't want to be skinny, I want to be bulky and tone. I eat plenty of protien, carbs, fruits, veggies, etc., you name it. I'm also eating those protien bars, 1 per day now. How do you know when your body is using the calories for muscle building and not storing fat?

I'm wary of doing more cardio because i don't want to lose the precious muscle I've gained by overworking them. I'm also weary of eating less "fatty" foods because those foods are the ones with insane amounts of protien. Should I just keep faith in what I'm doing now? I'm only 1 week into this plan but I'd like to be toned and muscular by mid september. That gives me like 14 weeks. I just wanna be like those tennis players I see here at school who play without their shirts and are hella toned.

Thanks for any help!
I think you are consuming too many calories for weight loss. It sounds like your muscle is there you just have a layer over it. You need to find out what your weight should be based on you height gender age and eat at least 1 gram of protein per lean pound of body weight. Reduce your starchy carbs and when you do eat them eat the good ones (whole grain). Eat lean protein, watch the sugar in you suppliments. NitroTech bars are great. Load up on veggies and fruit. Eat about six meals per day, small ones of course Try to stay around 2,000 cal. Oh yeah get rid of any soft drinks if you are drinking them lots of hidden cals there. When people see bulky and muscular they think big what it really is, is lean. Get the fat off and you will look alot bigger.
you can pick up a cheap pair of skinfold calipers online for around 10 dollars. this along with a scales and a cloth tape measure lets you know which direction you are going in.
Check this link for great nutritional info.

I have learned that after you get the basics figured out diet is a trial and error thing. I suggest you monitor everything you put in your mouth with a log and observe how it effects your body, mood, strength and things of that nature. Dial in what works best for you. Don't let the scale judge your progress. As mentioned previously use calipers, tapes, and the mirror as your judge.

In my experience training to failure on every exercise has done very little for hypertrophy. I like to train in the 8-10 reps 3-4 set range for hypertrophy.

Tennis 2x a week should be enough cardio if you keep your training intense. If you end up wanting to add more cardio I like to use a HIIT routine during mass-building blocks to cut more fat and maintain muscle.

Good luck with your goals.

I just checked my weight, since I haven't for 2 months, it's around 155 but I know I've been gaining muscle in the meantime. I will cut my calories though to around 2000-2500 just to make sure my muscle doesn't start to detiriorate, does that sound good?

I dont want to go below 2000 since I still want to see muscle gains. I'm hoping that after 2 months of gaining muscle I can spend 1 month of aerobics to tone it up.
2000-2500 is good. dont decrease it from your protein intake