Fustrated Mom........ HOW?

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Heavy Mama 22

New member
Well I don't know how i'm going to exercise with my kids, tripping out and trying to get this and that..... They don't nap. And I am soo tired by 8 when they go to bed, that I just can't seem to force myself....or the man comes home and I don't want him to see my flab jiggle. Not to mention that he laughed and said good luck, when I said I was going to do this. And i'm a mom of 2 and can't afford a gym. I tried even one day to get my kids doing it with me......... my 4 year old slowed me down, that I couldn't keep my heart rate up and when I was trying to do a plank, my 2 year old son thought I was giving him a horsey ride, and got on top of me.......... Does anyone have any ideas that might help me.
If I were in your position, I would make house work my new best friend! Activities such as doing the hoovering, polishing etc can really help you to burn those calories! Plus as an added bonus you get to look over and feel proud of your efforts! This link tells you how to get the most out of your spring clean such as lunges why you hoover http://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/features/spring-cleaning-calorie-burn. Although the plank with the added weight of your son sounds effective! ;-) Good luck!
Thank you rubenesque, I figured out how to start to do it..... but as for cleaning I do that everyday anyways. not the squats but clean house from top to bottom. And dance while doing it..... shhhh don't tell anyone, I look so silly. I'm probably on youtube somewhere. LMAO. But thanks for the webpage i'll look at that one see if it will help
I know exactly what you mean. I have a 4 year old and a 10 month old. I also have my own business and school to work on. My bf sort of says the same things to me. I lost about 45-50 pounds after my son was born, but now i have the same to lose from my daughter. To make things even better..my bf lifts weights 4 times a week and has been doing it the last like 9 years. So theres pressure on me ya know? How have you been sticking to it? I dont have a lot of motivation this time around. I was hoping to find someone on this website so we can motvate each other.
Well Julie,

I have been doing pretty bad with my whole, dieting and exercise. First week, I did ok. With eating less junk, added more water and green tea in my diet. But this weekend wasn't a good one. And as of tomorrow, I start a babysitting job. So maybe i'll do better there, I'd definitly be your buddy on this and help each other stay motivated to do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To be a stay at home mom of young children is not an easy task. When you are trying to reach goals such as weight loss and getting in shape there are more obstacles in the way than you can imagine.

Many people have the misconception that you have a lot of time on your hands being home.....we know better.

Even your husband may not understand the fragmented day you have when dealing with kids.

If you are fortunate enough to be able to join a gym where they have childminding services, you are lucky. However it is extremely expensive,and a very cumbersome process to haul the kids back and forth.

It can get pretty lonely at times, feeling you have no support.

These forums are just a wonderful tool to get the support you are looking for....don't give up.

I have four young boys and I am a stay at home mom as well. Even though my kids are getting a little older now, I can totally relate to you.

I worked out at home, I used dvd's and I have exercise equipment. The key for me was to lower some of my expectations, yes I had dinosaurs on my weight bench and I constantly had to watch where I stepped. I had to answer thousands of questions while working out, and even though I did not work out as hard as you can when alone. I kept the routine, I kept moving and I just laughed at my own silly situation.

Kids grow up so fast, this is a very temporay situation, so I suggest keep working out and just have fun with it.

Be kind to yourself, a happy joyfull mother is so very important to your children. Slowly cut back on your food intake, and make a long term plan.

Write down what you eat, once you understand your own pattern, you can do something about it.Have a good day today! Louise
Thank you sooo much Louise Hale that was very helpful. Thanks thou LOL now a little teary eyed. But I am going to keep trying just got to figure out the best timing.

I am so glad to hear you are still trying to figure out what will work for you...Remember, your children are so very young yet, you can start eating healthy now, include a lot of fruit and cut~up veges for snacks etc..They will pick up your habits. It will be easier to get them used to it now rather then when they are set in their ways..

On many occasions, when I have had to do a lot of running around and we'd have to eat lunch out, rather than eating foods at a favorite fast food place. I'd have a healthy lunch packed, or picked up something healthy at the grocery store(much cheaper..) and had a picnic in a park close by, or on occasion~ under the nearest tree...be creative...your health and happiness are at stake!

If your children love the toys that come with the meals...prepare in advance...hit the dollar store,keep little items on hand for these occasions and create your own happy meal! ( don't forget to put in a little surprise for your own meal!!)

There and wonderful exercise programs for home use, I bought my kids their own yoga mats~just so we could all have our own space to work out ..write their name on it. With any luck you'll have some space to do your workout.(There's nothing like stepping on Lego or sitting down on a dinosaur is there?..)

I have supported my husband on his diet for years now, I cook the foods that suit his diet and add to it~ to make it work for the whole family.When you are the only one on a restricted diet and nobody else is, it is pretty difficult to keep up. Create healthy meals that will work for you, and add your husbands' and children's' favorites, create a win~win situation.

Sit down and really think about what is your biggest cause of weight gain. When do you eat? What do you eat?Do you eat when you are upset? Are you bored, lonely?

Get real with yourself, and try to understand yourself and your actions.

Hang in there, take care of yourself.Your family needs a healthy and happy mom.

I'm having the same problem. My 12-month-old isn't sleeping well and hasn't for months. She still wakes up at least twice in the night (we're working on it!) so I am really run down and tired.

During the day, she needs a lot of attention on her and gets frustrated when I do something else.

My husband works late and I'm really not an evening person, my energy is very low then, so after she goes to bed, I make dinner etc and then it's near 9pm and I simply can't work out then on a full stomach.

Although she naps for 2 x 1hour periods during the day, that's when I cook her meals (she has multiple severe food allergies and can't eat most 'family meals') or do my cleaning, or take a rest myself!

What most people have suggested on forums, is to wake up earlier than everyone else and get your workout and shower in before the day begins. It sucks the first few times but if you stick with it for 2 weeks, it does get easier! Unfortunately I can't do this at the moment as her worst waking period is around 5am, so I would need to get up at like 4am to fit it in! Seriously not going to happen when I don't get to bed before 11-12pm.

This reads like a list of excuses, doesn't it?! I suppose you'll always find a way if you're determined enough, but the thing I hate most is getting all psyched up and ready, only to be interrupted 10 minutes in and having to abort the mission.

As suggested above, I'm now focusing on sorting out my diet and trying to think a little more flexibly about exercise - a stroll in the park with the baby etc. but also to try out different times/approaches.

I hope you have some success. Fingers crossed for us both!

I think so many of us can relate to you. Isn't it amazing how much time ~one~ little baby takes?

Have you ever considered getting a snuggly or one of those baby carriers for on your back? You can buy them online and they are a great way to take your little one for a hike, enjoy nature and get a workout at the same time.If you start when you baby is small, it will give you the opportunity to gain strength for when your baby weighs a lot more...

It gets pretty heavy over time and makes for a good hard walk= burning calories! I always found my babies very content while doing they since they are so close to you.

Losing weight is a matter of input and output, and when you are very tired with a young baby who does not sleep well, it is very important you are rested and healthy.

As you already have to focus on your babies special food needs, it is a great opportunity to focus on your food needs.Make the best of that one hour naptime and while you are creating her meals, make your own healthy snacks.

Don't give up!

Keep doing yoga, even if you have to cut it short, tae bo etc. If you try to keep this habit going, you will stay in some sort of workout routine, and over time your little girl will learn this is 'our' exercise time. She may just learn to play closeby while you do this, because this is what she grew up with.

My young boys ended up gathering their toys and getting ready for mom to workout, it just became routine, they did not even question it over time.

They are all a bit older now, I still work out at home daily, and they are working out~having learned by example that it is a part of everyday life!!

Good luck!

i can so relate.....i am a mother of 3 & my youngest just turned 3 & i still have excess weight to get rid of. I tried the gym thing as they had a creche i could book him into. My fav class was pilates, but could only go maybe 3 or 4 times in the month. usually a monday. the other class i liked to do but struggled with motivation was the weights class. Had to quit this one, as the creche sitter did not turn up & my darling 2 year old boy decided it would be fun to pull my ponytail as i was laying on the bench with the bars. Literally it took me 5 mins to get him to stop yanking my hair, i put the bars down, packed up & whisked him out of there & i never went back. Going for a walk is impossible as i can never walk at a pace that gets my heartrate up & the kids don't want to walk so far. I wish i was a morning person to fit in my walk, but i am a nightowl thru & thru. Now looking at my diet to see where i can fine tune. Luckily lately my body no longer craves chocolate like crazy & i am off my cups of tea.....& no i'm not pregnant lol......don't think i eat so much, but my weight seems to have just pleateued. Looking at possibly doing the Raw food thing.....but hubby thinks i'm a bit crazy. still plodding along....great to catch up with other mum with similar issues.
Hello moms...

You know what surprised me the most once I had children, is that nothing is quick and simple anymore. Quickly 'running' to the store for some milk...is never quikly anymore...change diaper, diaper bag, soothers, deal with cumbersome carseats, your little one is not in the mood etc. By the time you get home, just getting milk was a major feat!

Working out is not a simple thing, running to the gym becomes a lot of work when you are organizing several little ones, all their 'gear'...all your fitness stuff, snacks etc..

The only thing left to do is seriuosly look at your options, and perhaps 'working out' at home is better than nothing at all.

I found the thing I was able to manage the most with consistency was my diet. All it really took was a lot of determination and some planning.

When you have children around you all day long , answering thousands of questions non~stop,in the evening your husband is home looking for your attention...there just is not a lot of time left.

This is life! The only thing to do is accept the changes and work with what you have...it takes some serious attention.

While you may not be able to work out as intense as you'd like, try just anything....keep moving...

This is a great time to learn to eat healthy consistently and your children will learn the same at a young age....what a great gift that will be.

Just carrot sticks will not do, there are far to many demands , you require a healhty diet to keep this up.

Nourish your body and your self, make your diet realistic, something you can stick to for the long term.

Hang in there and enjoy the moment!.....learn to lauch at yourself!

Well I found some ways for me to exercise a little more. I babysit every weekday. On the days when it's not -15 or lower....... I walk 1.4 miles there and then 1.4 back home again. When I have my kids and I got to go to store I dont take a car I walk 2 and 1/2 city blocks. Now I get my 4yr old to line up with me, and yep we race..... of course she beats me. But I get my heart rate up. Shes a great kid, asks me everyday can we work out today. But its my 2 year old boy that makes that difficult......... I have however lost 5lbs and 4inches soooo far. Just cut back on how much junk i eat, lessen my sugar intake, and am eating more veggies.................. less pop and more water. I also play tag with my kids, thats a gooooood work out. I might look silly being 30 years old and 40 - 50lbs overweight but its working.
I feel for you :newangel:

You've got to get into some of the best fat burner stuff around. Your BF will be the best support you can have too. He surely would be your inspiration.

Originally Posted by JulieP12387

I know exactly what you mean. I have a 4 year old and a 10 month old. I also have my own business and school to work on. My bf sort of says the same things to me. I lost about 45-50 pounds after my son was born, but now i have the same to lose from my daughter. To make things even better..my bf lifts weights 4 times a week and has been doing it the last like 9 years. So theres pressure on me ya know? How have you been sticking to it? I dont have a lot of motivation this time around. I was hoping to find someone on this website so we can motvate each other.
Doing a lot of stuff and working all around the house, plus exercise or sport activities would help a lot. Don't make your weight and fat loss boring. Get into stuff you would also enjoy.
Well I haven't been actually doing any of it for about almost 2 monthes but today went to a gym. Weighted myself and measured. I haven't lost more or gained any really back. I'm still 181lbs, bmi is 30.7 and hips 41in; waist 40.5in.:eek:I haven't been drinking much pop still and still trying to add more veggies but not much. And did 20 minutes on the stationary bike if I can manage a babysitter 2 to 3 times a week and pay 56$ a month i'll be doing it morrrre! home exercising isn't working for me sooo far
AI know what you mean. It is hard, but you can do it! I started by making small changes that I could maintain. Over the long haul, guises little changes really add up!
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