Fitness Watch

Hey, I am looking for a watch that will track the amount of calories i burn/ heart rate/ and has some sort of timer does anyone know if there is one? or where i can find it, price doesnt matter to me. thanks :)
There are thousands out there, have you had much of a look?
yeah but i have yet to find one that can count the calories i burn as well

calories burned is determined by distance, type of activity, and body weight.

So for every pound you weight you will burn 7.9 calories per mile of running, 2.8 calories per mile of biking, and 29.3 calories per mile of swimming.

You can just plug the info in here:

I THINK the Garmin 305 and 405 can do the calorie counting as they use GPS to track your distances during workouts. So if you're really wanting a watch that can track calories it will need some way to measure distance either by a foot pod or GPS. If you can handle plugging into the website then you can go cheaper and just get a HRM that has a timer.
yeah but i have yet to find one that can count the calories i burn as well

how much you want to spend? it sounds like you're after the BodyBugg, as a simple watch cannot accurately track burned calories.

Bodybugg starts around $250, and $350+ monthly subscription for the 'best' model.
I recommend looking into a possible Polar watch/BodyBug combo. The watch will provide more accuracy while working out while the bodybug will track your cals burned throughout the rest of the day.