figure8 program


New member
Is anyone else using this program? I started two weeks ago and have lost 10 pounds. I feel great and have alot more energy, I was just wondering if anyone else has had results with it?
have never heard of it, gave up on "programs". now just rely on old fashioned calorie counting. congrats on your loss!
There is a full program you can buy or you can buy individually(I prefer individually). In the morning I make a shake out of yogurt,ice,Arbonne's Vanilla protein shake and Arbonnes orange fiber shake. It is only about 500 calories and it fills me up for hours and gives me energy to actually walk on my treadmill. A half hour before lunch I have a Going Going Gone supplement which I can actually feel it give me energy and boost my metabolism. I then usually have a peanutbutter sandwich for lunch(i don't eat meat and need to protein). A half hour before supper I take another supplement and have a cheese sandwich and a salad. I usually stay between 1600-1800 calories and I have noticed a major increase in energy and my ability to sleep. Don't get me wrong I have a really long ways to go. I started out at 260 and am now down to 245. If you have any questions about anything you can always email me. Good luck to all!!