Extra skin from weight loss


New member
Hi, I'm 5'6, 275 lbs, and turning 40 soon. I've been over weight for about 10 years.
My biggest fear about losing weight is getting the extra skin that doesn't shrink when you lose weight.
Mostly the lower abdominal area. Does this happen to everyone, or is there something I can do to prevent this?
My goal is to lose 2 lbs a week.
there are a lot of factors that will decide if this happens to you or not: genetics is a big one; how fast you lose the weight; your age; how long you've been overweight. the younger you are the more likely your skin will tighten up.

just do the best you can. have a positive attitude. eat healthy foods. drink lots of water. exercise and weight train. some people think dry skin brushing helps too. it can't hurt, why not give it a try.

it is what it is...no one is perfect.