Eating until you are full

This is advice which has been given in countless topics, but never clearly defined. Not in that you can't tell when you are full, but the time to reach that point.

I grew up as (and I still am) a fast eater. Growing up, food would be placed on my plate and I was looking for seconds (or more) long before anyone else. Why? I was still hungry.

Or si I thought!

I am learning ( and still struggling) to eat slower. Because I was eating so fast, I wasn't feeling full, but in reality I had consumed enough (or even more than enough) to satisfy my hunger. However, because I consumed it so fast, my system never realized that food was "en route" and my body told me I wanted more. So I ate more. :(

However, I am learning to not consume food so quickly, and finding by doing so I eat substantially less than I used to. Notice, though, I said learning. I am still guilty of overindulgence (aren't we all at one point or another) and eating fast, but just like everything else revolving around fitness, it is a lifestyle change that is a slow and sometimes tedious process.

So, with the instruction of eating until you are full, be sure to enjoy your food and not "inhale" it! :)