Dumbells: What's a good body building program?


Because of the fact I really don't have time to get to the gym enough due to studying and work, I have decided to purchase some dumbells in order to assist me in my weight lifting / body buidling. Now i'm just starting off with this stuff, so does anyone know of a good day-to-day program or excercise routine I could follow with dumbell workouts in order to work all upper muscle groups (especially biceps, triceps, chest, shoulders and back). I'm especially hoping to increase muscle size as much as possib,e or as much as a dumble will allow me to. Thanks.
are they adjustable dumbells or set weight?
Does it matter? For the moment I have set weight dumbell's jsut to start me off at least because I really am only just starting with all this, maybe down the track once I get into it I will get adjustable ones or heavier weight ones.
well we don't know how much they weigh and how strong are you? If you went out and bought 10 pound dumbells it would be silly of us to give you a low rep high weight workout. So please tell us more about the weights you have and your stats, i.e. age, weight, fitness level, stregth. And how many days a week you want to work out.
it is basically impossible to get a good workout with some really light set weight dumbells it would take forever you should return them and get some adjustible ones just for your own good unless your set weights are heavy for you