Doing Crunches Properly???

I was wondering if I'm doing my crunches properly, here's what I do:

I lie on the floor with my heels touching my bottom,
Then Raise my head and shoulders off the ground,
Hold my body like that for a second,
Then lower my head and shoulders back to the floor,
Repeat 50 times.

My problem is that near the end (at about the 35-40 crucnch) my feet start coming off of the floor. Is that a problem??? Also, are crunches the best ab exercise out there (besides something you have to have equipment or a gym pass to do)???

If anyone has any sites that have step by step pictures or videos of how to do a crunch than please post them here.

Thank You
Hello Thomas, well the only thing you're doing wrong is that your heels should NOT be touching your bottom. They should be about a foot or two away from your bottom. Try it that way to see if your feet don't come off the floor. If they do, don't's not a big problem.

There are many other exercises for the abs but they're hard to explain. It's much better on a one to one basis in person. There used to be an excellent book called Legendary Abs. I don't know who wrote it but maybe you can search the internet and find it. It comes complete with diagrams and different levels of ab training.

Ok, good luck Thomas. I hope I hepled you out.

I'm new here, but I wanted to add my input. I put my legs in the air at a 90 degree angle. It's as if I am resting them on a chair seat. :)