Does cardio workout give the best results? .


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Cardio exercise, like running, is effective for increasing your heart rate and burning calories. Cardio is well-documented to be effective at burning calories. If you lift weights for 30 minutes versus doing any other cardio activity for the same amount of time, cardio will burn more calories.
Depends on how intense your cardio is, and how intense your lifting, but generally true. However your body gets more efficient at cardio the more you do it. For an average person 30 minutes are burning 300 kcal at most, which is about a smallish candy bar. And most people get more hungry when they start working out so unless you´re counting and restricting calories exercise is unlikely to make you lose weight. Caloriewise what you eat is always going to be more important than how much you work out.
Strength training helps to keep your muscle mass up while dieting, which is kind of neat if you want to eat normal amounts of food once you reach goal but is also good for bone health and can help you stay active and independent when you get older (building up new muscle mass gets harder with age so you´d better prepare). Both kinds of exercise seem to be helpful when managing chronic illness (including mental health issues). So I don´t actually care all that much what kind of exercise someone as long as they´re active.
Most people like me have challenges when it comes too excersice especially me that eat a lot I just stick to the keto guide I got which as helped me a lot to lose weight. At the end of the day it's a matter of what u are comfortable with