Weight-Loss Do you actually need Saturated Fat?



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According to my online research, the US Recommended Daily Allowance is "less than 10% of calories coming from saturated fat," but is there a minimum? I'm getting about 3-8 g of saturated fat per day in a ~1400 calorie diet so about 2-5% of my calories. I'd like to think my diet is very healthy, but my OCD flares up a bit when I see I'm only getting 30% of RDA for something in my calorie tracking app...
I personally track individual nutrients and macros rather than aiming for an arbitrary % intake which may or may not meet nutritional needs. so for me tracking my Vit A, D, E, K intake (the fat soluble ones) is more important than consuming extra fat for the sake of it, How many grams of protein and carbs are tracked, with a limit on carbs and a target to reach for protein. I do have to supplement Vit D however as I don't produce it (most people produce their own Vit D from sun exposure)

A lot of people look at a keto diet like mine and think that it needs to be high fat, when in reality, the extra fat is not needed and is just extra calories for no benefit.
Your body does need fat to make cell membranes and nerve coatings (and it helps to move things along in your gut) but I don´t think I´ve ever heard of any process in the body that can´t be fulfilled by unsaturated fat instead..
do you need fat in your diet ... yes ... there are essential fatty acids your body cannot make.

Do you actually need Saturated Fat? ... no.

it is frustrating sometimes searching for nutritional information on the internet. it's either way too simple or way too complex to understand. there are many people out there saying you should eat foods higher in unsaturated fats... reasons are usually on the order of lowering your bad cholesterol, but i can't find any sites that explain how. here is an article from the Mayo Clinic which should give you some fat basics .... as good as i could find.

Dietary fats: Know which types to choose