do the gazelles really work?

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Specifically these ones:

I can't make it to the gym that often anymore because I'm so busy. I've gained 20 (!!!!) lbs in the past year and I'm only 18, so I would like to be able to do cardio 6 times a week in order to take off the fat on my bum, thighs, tummy, and arms. I have the stamina, and the money, I just need to decide if these are the right at home cardio machines for me. I'm a girl (I figure this would be useful information because I don't want bulky muscles) and I want to know if anyone has had any problems or success stories with these. Will it work to tone, or work at all? Will my legs and bum look completely bizarre? please help.
personally, i think those machines are garbage and nothing more than a gimick. Do they really look that confortable to ride?? I would go with a regular treadmill or an elliptical trainer.
I have a Nordic Track, which works really great. Don't know anything about the products you're inquiring about. Elliptical Trainer sounds good to me, not so much a fan of treadmills, then I'd rather run outside, however when running outside, then you have to commit to a certain time/distance and can't just stop, because you have to get back home:)
I own the Gazelle Elite. I admit I do not use it as often as I should, however, I do think it can work if you use it like it's meant to be used. Mine has 3 levels of resistance. I use the least amount of resistance so I do not build bulk. I used to have a treadmil, but had to stop using it because it was to demanding on my feet and knees. I also had a recumbant bike which I really liked but just didn't feel like I was working my whole body enough. Just my legs. With the Gazelle you really feel it all over your body. I can do 45 mins with no problem where on my treadmil or walking outside I usually can only do about 20 or 30 mins before my feet or knees would hurt and I'd have to quit. I will say the video / DVD that is set with the Gazelle to workout too is a little cheezy but with a good cadio cd playing you can really go to work on this thing. It quiet and honestly doesn't take up that much room. Except when you are using it. Make sure to have plenty of swing room. I don't think is nessesary to get the more expensive one, the cheaper one should do just as well. Especially if you don't want to use much resistance.

Hope that helped
yea, i c your point. It's better than nothing, too. However, for those reasons (if $$ allows), an elliptical trainer is much better ..
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